среда, 10 мая 2017 г.




The issue of lack of workforce in the digital industry across the world today can be seen to be as a result of higher education institutions not giving proper response to the needs of actual labor market. The basic education system usually takes up to 4 to 6 years and when done graduates are no guaranteed of employment. It is evident that most of the skills needed today in the digital industry don’t even require a higher education. Individuals who have practical digital economy skills and willingness to learn are needed, this proves why more and more tech-savvy teens get freelancing jobs and earn more than their parents/mentors.

These lapses are the reason why a team of experts came together with a great idea and introduced the world’s first blockchain-powered, smart-incentives based online education platform called BITDEGREE. Bitdegree platform has a unique purpose to give students an opportunity to acquire skills that are required in the labor market currently. Asking business what skills they will require in coming years (3–5 years) is not the way to do but responding to explicitly expressed skilled labor demand quickly. Bitdegree has be created to align with the incentives of students and anyone who wants them to become knowledge workers in digital economy- like potential or current employers, digital service sponsors and providers.

Smart-incentive is a smart contract on ethereum network that ensure the exchange of tokens between a sponsor( the incentive creator) and a student (the incentive taker) who is committing to study a particular subject so as to receive tokens( the incentive). Bitdegree platform offers students online courses with transparent and clear blockchain reward system and achievement tracking. Bitdegree overall platform overhead (as in expenses ) of using Ethereum network for transactional and immutable data storage needs, will be minimum (low) as their use case for blockchain is not sensitive to prolonged waiting periods before transactions are committed. Bitdegere uses Octalysis framework of gamification design to make learning process as exciting as playing Minecraft.

Bitdegree platform serves as a unique tool for business to recruit tech talent and through smart-incentives shape global education to its needs. With Bitdegree it becomes easy for National government Job centers to track the demand of skills without the involvement of scrupulous report gatherings from businesses and also assist jobless people by subsidizing studies for skills on high demand. The main unique benefit of Bitdegree platform to incentive providers the ease and possibility to initiate and maintain dialogue with upcoming talent and reward them for achievements through smart-incentives. On the Bitdegree platform, smart-incentives will range from small to large also be location and topic targeted. From the student’s perspective, means student will be getting paid to learn new skills based on local demand, which not only incentives but can actually be a viable escape from unskilled work. The Bitdegree proposed incentive alignment approach has not been attempted on any educational platform before.

Bitdegree believes that;

· The public education systems are flawed and they need to be decentralized, democratized and otherwise disrupted,

· Hiring the best and well educated talent is the key to success of any technology business and thus the business should be ready to invest in such talent,

· Blockchain-powered smart-incentives and gamification features Bitdegree enable are the game changers.

· Every single person in the world today deserves access to proper education, no matter the race, age, gender or religion.


Bitdegree sees the need for centralization of certain aspects of the Bitdegree platform (at least in the beginning) so as to enable shorter development and deployment cycles and also to ensure faster market adoption, though Bitdegree believes in decentralization and self-sustainable architectures. Bitdegree intends making their platform at first operational and they already have the basic implementations of some of the components in place up and running. At initial stage the platform will provide functional and complete services, essential to sustainability of the platform but Bitdgeree has a bold general plan for the future. Bitdegree decided to start with mature, conventional web technology after evaluating the current technology capabilities, such as blockstack.org and with time Bitdegree aims to decentralize such things as course creation, course mentorship, verification of study, smart-incentives creation and others.


Bitdegree shares the motto of Jeff Bezos “we are stubborn on vision but flexible on details”. Bitdegree sees at least three stages of platform development which are essential. They got great and clear plans for v1 (version 1) and what happens in v1 will be used to plan v2 (version 2) and v3 (version 3) as v1 determines what happens to v2 and v3. Bitdegree follows core guiding principles for their platform design and these principles will be used when deciding on the strategic direction of the platform and new functionalities. These principles include;

· Sustainability

· Disruption

· Decentralization

· Growth

· Transparency

· Inclusion


2007–2016–29M+ user base Reached 29 million users on 000webhost — free web development learning platform, and Hostinger — web hosting services. Most of the users are young tech-savvy with deep passion to learn. Users already love Bitdegree as an online learning platform.

2017 spring — Web fundamentals Summary of 500+ articles about web coding fundamentals was prepared. Polishing of the business strategy, approaching first business partners, consulting with numerous universities and blockchain companies to develop first courses.

2017 summer/autumn — Bitdegree ICO Period of building Ethereum Smart Contract for upcoming Bitdegree ICO event. An ERC20 token, auditing SM code. Development of MOOC Educational expertise partnerships. Marketing. Bitdegree Token Crowdsale & Distribution Event.

2018 winter/spring — Best online IT Learning Courses Launching the first Blockchain course material. Hire field experts to manage project expansion. Source the best tutors. Blockchain identity registry research and implementation. Onboard 3rd party providers. Course material repository and structure generalization. Launch first 100 courses with world’s best online learning experience.

2018 Q2/Q3 — Hype on Student sector Continue Blockchain knowledge improvement. First token scholarship issued. First partners accept token in BitDegree ecosystem. Start full-stack marketing activities, oriented on student engagement with strong influencers community & Alumni partnerships. Achievement and gamification tracking for students. Tools enabling verification of study effort. Study area and student achievements viewer. Smart incentives contract implementation. Mobile platform development. Students as mentors. 3rd party content. 3rd party assessors.

2018 Q4 — Business Platform launch Developed & launched platform for Sponsors. Business development towards strong sponsorships with emphasis development of courses with a focus on skills in-demand. Creating sourcing pool for talent. Course material index. Sponsorship area. Course chunks mapping and career paths building area.

Future 3rd party integrations. Digital Service Provider SDK Development. Building SDK for a third party Digital Service Providers to integrate Bitdegree Tokens as a means of value exchange into market cycle. At this point in time blockchain technologies are already widely adopted. Tools for token integration into 3rd parties is already present. Bitdegree for Business. Bitdegree Jobs. BitDegree Certification. Bitdegree Decentralized Diploma. BitDegree education AI assistant. Decentralized diploma viewer. Bitdegree training. Bitdegree young talent aquisition. Bitdegree Braille (blind education). Bitdegree for Third World countries.

We anticipate that version 1 of the platform will provide a set of essential services: identity registry, course material repository, course material index, assessment tools, sponsorship area, study area, and student achievement viewer.

The version 1 of Bitdegree platform will provide solutions to most of the problems Bitdegree aims to solve. Version 1 will provide solutions as;

· It will lower costs of sharing the knowledge and assessing knowledge/skills

· It will allow businesses to familiarize students with their offerings

· It will match business and student incentives

· It will provide continuous and opportunistic learning for people striving to gain new desire skills and knowledge

· It will assist in motivating students to continue with studies efforts and provide incentives to those progressing forward.

The BitDegree platform version 2 will introduce localized course material, increase choices of available content and also scale mentorship and assessment functions. BitDegree would love to add more human touch and guidance in the learning process.


BitDegree has been able to study history and attempts of many well established companies providing remote learning experience like Coursera, Khan Academy, EdX, CodeCademy, FutureLearn, XuetangX, Udacity and lots of others to test techniques, ideas and also to create user centric focused workflows. BitDegree has spent time rapidly testing new ideas and ways they respond to the needs of their students, contributors and sponsors. BitDegree enrolled to courses and learned best practices used by most well-established remote education providers. They analyzed availability and price of certification, value provided to scholarship sponsors, availability of scholarship and a level of gamification employed in educational process.


BitDegree believes that with the new incentivized learning model, BitDegree brings the next wave of e-learning adoption, which will spur the growth of the user base. Aligning with the interest of potential students and employers suing the education platform, BitDegree enters the talent sourcing market as well.


BitDegree issues an ERC20 compatible token that will be used to give incentives to students and contributors of the BitDegree platform.

The BitDegree token sale will be final and non-refundable. BitDegree will not be responsible for any loss of tokens or any situation of being unable to access BitDegree tokens, which may result from any actions of omissions of the user or anyone undertaking to get BitDegree tokens and also in the case of hack attacks.

BitDegree Initial Coin Offering event will be held on Q4, 2017 and BitDegree plans to offer anybody sharing their vision to contribute to the development of BitDegree by buying BitDegree tokens. BitDegree aims to raise minimum of 5milllion USD and then stop accepting contribution when 25–30million USD will be collected. Some of the numbers may change due to ETH/USD echange rate volatility but the following numbers are best estimates as of September, 2017.

• Maximum financing: 30,000 ETH — may change due to exchange rate changes;

• Minimum financing: 550 ETH — may change due to exchange rate changes;

• Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 10,000 Bitdegree Tokens — may change with ETH exchange rates;

• Token contract address: Will be published only on website bitdegree.org 48hrs before the crowdsale launch date;

• Launch date and time: Date to be announced soon. Block number will be published on website. Dates may be prone to change;

• Token launch time-frame: 30 days.

• Token launch completion: Token launch will end when either the maximum number of ETH is raised or 30 days have passed. If less than the minimum of ETHs are raised, ETH can be retrieved by holders of BitDegree Token;

• Contributors sending ETH to BitDegree Smart Contract address will immediately receive tokens.



• BitDegree foundation: 66 million (locked for 360 days)

• Scholarships pool: 165 million

• Token available to public at launch: 336.6 million

• Team: 66 million (locked for 720 days)

• Advisors / Partners: 13.2 million (locked for 160 days)

• Bounties: 13.2 million

• Tokens in total: 660 million.


BitDegree Platform: 30% of budget.

The team consists of over 10 engineers [DS8] and MOOC experts fulfilling the key roles in the company — sales, marketing, legal and others. This financing allows the rollout and operations of the BitDegree platform.

Courses development: 30% of budget.

These funds will be directed at third-party education professionals, offering online courses and content production.

Marketing and business development: 25% of budget.

Marketing will focus on expanding awareness and adoption of the BitDegree platform and the platform solution among users, publishers and advertisers. This also includes the growth and maintenance of the world-wide community. Marketing, growth-hacking, PR, partnerships, affiliate programs and more.

Operational: 8% of budget

Consists of BitDegree legal, security, accounting and other associated administration costs;

Security: 2% of budget.

This part of the budget is set-aside for auditing software.

Reserve: 5% of budget.

This part of the budget is set-aside for unforeseen expenditure.



Andrius Putna, CEO, co-founder

Danielius Stasiulis, CBO, co-founder

Ervinas Rimdeika, CLO, co-founder

Rio Asatiani, CMO, co-founder


Jeff Burton, Serial Entrepreneur, co-founder of Electronic Arts

Roberto Santana, Product and Strategy Advisor, Former Senior Manager at Coursera

Maurice De Hond, Steve JobsSchool Founder, Personalized Learning Advisor

James K. Scarborough, Stanford University PhD., Gamification Advisor

Arnas Stuopelis, COO, co-founder

Ričardas Pocius, Technical advisor

Be part of this great project today and let’s take education to a whole new level so as to make the world a lot better for humans to live in. To get more information about BitDegree , participate in any of their well designed program and to connect with other participants all over the world, please click on any of the links listed below;

WEBSITE: http://www.bitdegree.org/

WHITEPAPER: https://www.bitdegree.org/white-paper.pdf

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bitdegree

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bitdegree.org

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bitdegree_org

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2214321.0

MEDIUM: https://blog.bitdegree.org/

AUTHORED BY: teejayrichard

BITCOINTALK URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1265803

WALLET: 0x937fe2c8bd616344a9Be33fDEC04D6F15f53c20F

Original article and pictures take cdn-images-1.medium.com site

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