вторник, 30 мая 2017 г.

Create your own Ethereum Token.

Create your own Ethereum Token.

Coinmama: Buy Bitcoins with Credit Card

We are all familiar with ICO’s (Initial coin offering) by now. Many projects rake in millions of $ from investors with the promise of a revolutionary technology through smart contracts that will change the world.

Quite often there is only that, a promise, along with a white paper and a website and the MVP will be developed after the crowdsale. At this stage (and many projects may never get past this stage) the ‘revolutionary’ smart contracts all look somewhat similar and offer no functionality but a crowdsale.

In this article we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to actually make your own ERC20 token for the Ethereum blockchain. If you want to take a shortcut through the article you can also use this website I’ve created: www.generateyourtoken.com .

(This article is for educational purposes only)

Step 1: The ERC20 Interface

In Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum, an interface is a piece of reusable code that defines constraints for functions and events, without implementing the function itself. A contract with the ERC20 interface must have implemented all functions defined in the interface.

Luckily we do not have to write all of this code ourselves and we can just copy it from the following repository: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/tree/master/contracts/token

To get started open https://remix.ethereum.org and make two files: SafeMath.sol and ERC20.sol paste in the code below into each of the respective files.


Step 2: Implementing our functions

Great work, or building blocks are almost set. Now we have to implement the functions we have defined in our interface. For this we will combine BasicToken.sol and StandardToken.sol from OpenZeppelin into one file called StandardToken.sol .

Here’s a high level overview of what these functions do:

balanceOf : returns the token balance of an Ethereum address.

transfer : transfers an amount to an address of our choosing.

approve : sets an amount of tokens a specified address is allowed to spend on our behalf

allowance : check how much an address is allowed to spend on our behalf

transferFrom : specify an address to transfer from if we are allowed by that address to spend some tokens.

event Transfer and event Approval will log an output event onto the blockchain.


Step 3: Add your own touch

Congragulations! That was the hardest part. Now all there’s left to do is specify a name, symbol and supply for our token.

Because we tweaked things a little bit we do not have to actually code this! We can just enter the parameters we want when creating the contract in remix. Next to the create button enter a name, symbol, # decimals and total supply in that order (see example below) and press create.

Well done ! You have succesfuly created your first token. Now you can test the functions by sending tokens to the addresses you’ll find in the dropdown menu next to ‘account’ in remix.

You can also deploy this to one of the test networks if you install Metamask.

The full gist can be found here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9eabd0015ca7dd431992a522aa8c51cd

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Original article and pictures take decentral.market site

понедельник, 29 мая 2017 г.

Create Ethereum private network with no terminal commands

Create Ethereum private network with no terminal commands

So you want to become a Solidity developer but hate wasting time setting up your machine and downloading chain data? If yes, read on.

How about setting up your own private network in 5 minutes on Windows, Mac or Linux?

Install prerequisites

You will only need to have 3 things:

  • Kitematic UI for Docker

Click on the menu item and follow instructions to install Kitematic

Once you’re done with that, let’s launch your own Ethereum private network!

Launch your own Ethereum private network

  • Open Kitematic
  • Click the +NEW button
  • Type in: czekaj in the search box

  • Find the geth-privnet image and hit CREATE
  • When the machine starts, click on the cog button to map port 8545:

  • Map port 8545to localhost:8545 and hit SAVE

Congratulations! Your Ethereum private network is already running and mining blocks!

Now let’s connect to it with Mist.


Modify your Mist desktop shortcut (the real no-terminal way):

"C:Program FilesMistMist.exe" --node-datadir="%HOMEPATH%AppDataRoamingEthereumprivatenet" --rpc  --node-networkid 1234 --swarmurl="http://swarm-gateways.net"


Run Mist from terminal (Macs have to break the no-terminal rule):

/Applications/Mist.app/Contents/MacOS/Mist --rpc  --node-networkid 1234 --swarmurl="http://swarm-gateways.net" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Click on the shortcut / run your command. Don’t worry about the warning:

We’re running a local private network so no worries.

And here it is!

If you wait a couple minutes, you should be able to see some fake ether pouring in to your Main Account.

You’re done. That’s really it!

Now open Remix and start developing your first Smart Contract!


You can attach to your network with JavaScript console by running geth attach but that’s a terminal command so beyond the scope of this tutorial

More info

You can learn more about this Docker image, included accounts and configuration here: https://github.com/czekaj/docker-geth-dev

Source link

Original article and pictures take decentral.market site

пятница, 26 мая 2017 г.

Conoce a los CryptoPunks

Conoce a los CryptoPunks
Snap 2018-01-10 at 09.49.50.png

¡Saludos amigos!

Hoy les traigo este proyecto: CryptoPunks, personajes coleccionables únicos con prueba de propiedad almacenados en el blockchain de Ethereum.

Cada imagen está vinculada a un código de computadora en la plataforma Ethereum basada en blockchain. Eso significa que el propietario de cada pieza de arte es claro, y que la propiedad se puede transferir. El resultado es un conjunto finito de expresiones artísticas que se pueden comprar y vender como cualquier otro tipo de arte.

¿Esto es rentable? Pues parece que si.¡ Hay unos que han sido vendidos por 1 ETH!.

Snap 2018-01-10 at 09.50.06.png

Los CryptoPunks son solo coleccionables, no tienen acción ni es un juego, solo lo compras y lo conservas, como una pintura, solo que guardada en la blockchain y no colgada en una pared.

No hay dos exactamente iguales, y cada una de ellas puede ser oficialmente propiedad de una sola persona en la cadena de bloques de Ethereum .

Los CryptoPunks son imágenes artísticas de 24x24 píxeles, generadas algorítmicamente. La mayoría son chicos y chicas con aspecto punk, pero hay algunos tipos más raros mezclados en: Apes, Zombies e incluso Alien extraño. Cada punk tiene su propia página de perfil que muestra sus atributos, así como su estado de propiedad

La empresa creadora también tiene un canal en Discord que incluye un bot que anuncia todas las ofertas, ofertas y ventas en tiempo real.

En lo personal no le veo ninguna utilidad, pero al ser un negocio con demanda, es de interés para los crypto inversionistas.

Esta es la web de los CryptoPunks: https://www.larvalabs.com/cryptopunks

Canal en Discrod de los CryptoPunks: https://discordapp.com/invite/tQp4pSE

Espero les guste. ¡Voten y compartelo!



Original article and pictures take steemit.com site

четверг, 25 мая 2017 г.

Compare Bitcoin, Ethereum & Litecoin Mining Companies

Compare Bitcoin, Ethereum & Litecoin Mining Companies

We compare all Crypto Currency mining providers in one place, whether you want to mine using a GPU or outsource the maintenance to another outfit - we show you the providers and whether they are legitimate in what they say they are going to give you.

Based in Canada, NuVoo Mining is a company that focuses on providing users with the tools for them to take the first steps into the crypto/mining world. NuVoo offers a Cloud Mining, Dedicated Miner and Colocation Miner service. Nuvoo also offers solutions for experts and large-scale entrepreneurs from one unit farm to multiple tier-1home dedicated mining farm. Nuvoo offers a billingual ( French and English ) live customer support service so clients can get access to instant support.

MiningFit is a Norway based mining contract provider. They offer a range of contracts from 5 TH/s to 500 TH/s having chosen several optimal locations to house their equipment - where there is cheap electricity and low temperatures to reduce the need for cooling.

HydroMiner is a cryptocurrency mining company using green energy drawn from hydro power stations in the Alpine region of Europe. Hydro-power is generally thought to be one of the most effective and lowest-cost renewable energy resources. It is environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral and natural.

Founded in 2014, WageCan is a Taiwan-based company that offers cryptocurrency-related services, including cards and wallets. HashCan is a Bitcoin cloud mining service provided by WageCan, allowing users to mine cryptocurrencies without having to set up and host the mining hardware itself.

Based in Romania, Costa Nord Mine offers Ethereum cloud mining services, allowing users to purchase hashpower without having to deal with complex hardware and software configuration. Costa Nord Mine offers mining services and a variety of mining-related solutions for small and large investors.

PandaMiner is a cryptocurrency mining manufacturer focused on graphics card integrated miners. The GPU-based miners allow users to miner various cryptocurrencies like Ether, Zcash and many others. These GPU integrated miners are assembled with high configuration graphics cards and a tightly compatible case, professional rack and other optimized accessories for the highest mining efficiency.

Next Innovation is a Singapore based company that focuses on selling mining equipment and mining contracts. This company also provides aid in setting up mining rigs or facilities. Next Innovation's mining rig operation is located in Singapore and currently has 10 mining rigs for cloud mining contracts.

Asic Miner Market is a mining hardware provider. It offers ASIC GPU, Coin, Hash, ASIC Mining hardware, and solutions. All hardware is fully packed, tracked and will need the customer to sign proof. This is to ensure all products find their way to the customer.​

Original article and pictures take www.cryptocompare.com site

среда, 24 мая 2017 г.

Claymore’s Dual Ethereum Miner v9.0 – Better Mining Performance

Claymore’s Dual Ethereum Miner v9.0 – Better Mining Performance
Ledger Wallet protects your bitcoins


So.. Claymore just released few days a go his latest Dual Ethereum Miner version 9.0, what’s nice about this release is that Decred’s hashrate was increased with 70%

What’s new!

I had made a few tests with Sapphire Nitro+ RX480 8GB OC and i was able to get around 29.2xx – 29.8xx Mh/s on Ethereum and 880.xx Mh/s on Decred.

Do note that with the -asm enabled you will also have a higher power usage, maybe 10% to 15%! If your GPU throttles try different -dcri.

Also you can use -gmap to set GPU order in fan/temperature list. This option is similar to “-di” option, but it manages fan/temperature list. For example, if you have two cards, you can change their order by adding “-gmap 10”. Another example, reverse order for six cards: “-gmap 543210”. This option is also useful if you want to exclude some GPUs from the list. For example, if you have four cards, you can exclude first GPU from fan/temperature list with “-gmap 123”.

I will add soon more results and test for RX 470 and RX 480

Upgrade now!

Thank you for reading. As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.

Subscribe and stay tuned for further updates!

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

Cat with Ethereum Bell design T-Shirt

Cat with Ethereum Bell design T-Shirt
Cat with Ethereum Bell design T-Shirt
Independent artist’s content may not match model depicted; RealView™ technology illustrates fit and usage only.

Original article and pictures take www.zazzle.com site

вторник, 23 мая 2017 г.

Cardano, la criptovaluta emergente simile a Ethereum

Cardano, la criptovaluta emergente simile a Ethereum

Di criptovalute emergenti ne esistono davvero molte, e Cardano è una di quelle che sta passando da criptovaluta emergente ad altcoin diffusa.

Infatti di cosiddette “altcoin” (ovvero criptovalute alternative al Bitcoin, che è stata la prima in assoluto ad essere stata creata) ce ne sono davvero tantissime (più di mille), ma la stragrande maggioranza non solo sono sconosciute: sono anche spesso davvero poco interessanti. Quelle davvero interessanti saranno qualche decina, e Cardano è tra queste.

Cardano, come Ethereum, non è semplicemente una criptovaluta. Anzi: è una piattaforma che consente tra le altre cose di creare smart contracts. La criptovaluta che utilizza si chiama ADA.

La blockchain di questa valuta è stata rilasciata solo a settembre 2017, dopo molti mesi di sperimentazione: è quindi una valuta ancora molto giovane, ma con grandi ambizioni.

Alla base di questo progetto ci sono 3 soggetti:

  1. la Fondazione Cardano (una fondazione no-profit svizzera)
  2. IOHK (una società di ingegneria)
  3. Emurgo (un’altra società di sviluppo).

Sarà davvero un’alternativa a Ethereum? In teoria potrebbe esserlo, perchè Ethereum sembra un progetto interessante ma con qualche dubbio (soprattutto dal punto di vista tecnico): se Cardano sarà in grado invece di garantire alti livelli di sicurezza, potrebbe affermarsi anche con un rivale così affermato. Infatti la sicurezza è un fattore estremamente rilevante quando si parla di smart contracts (ovvero di contratti “intelligenti”).

Pertanto Cardano da questo punto di vista potrebbe essere un progetto competitivo nei confronti di Ethereum, e potrebbe anche scalzarlo (sul lungo periodo). Tuttavia ad oggi, nonostante ad esempio la capitalizzazione di mercato di ADA/Cardano sia già più di un decimo di quella di ETH, la differenza è ancora notevole, ed a tutto vantaggio di Ethereum.

Per chi volesse approfondire gli aspetti più tecnici consigliamo di leggere la spiegazione più approfondita la potete trovare sul sito Criptovalute News

Iscriviti al nostro canale Telegram:

Iscriviti al nostro canale Telegram

Original article and pictures take www.ilbitcoin.news site

понедельник, 22 мая 2017 г.

Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency of govt funding

Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency of govt funding

The Canadian government has launched a trial to explore the use of blockchain technology in making government research grant and funding information more transparent to the public.

For the trial, the National Research Council (NRC) is using the Catena Blockchain Suite, a Canadian-made product built on the Ethereum blockchain, to publish funding and grant information in real time.

When the NRC creates or amends a grant, the pertinent information is stored on the Ethereum blockchain, and posted on an online database that Canadians can peruse.

“Blockchains provide the ultimate in transparency and trust, making this technology a brave new world for organizations that strive to conduct transparent business,” the NRC said in a blog post.

“These are early days yet, but the experiment is expected to provide constructive insight into the potential for blockchain technology and how it may be used for more open and transparent function of public programs.”

What is the Ethereum blockchain?

As the NRC website explains, “On the simplest level, blockchains are public ledgers that record transactions shared among many users. Once data is entered on a blockchain, it is secure and unalterable, and provides a permanent record.”

The high level of security comes from storage of data in encrypted blocks that are decentralized, or stored on a network of computers around the world. This combination of encryption and decentralization ensures that data is practically impenetrable.

The most well-known manifestation of blockchain technology is Bitcoin, a digital currency that stores all transactions and amounts on a decentralized public ledger. But while Bitcoin’s meteoric rise has garnered it much hype, its utility pales in comparison to Ethereum.

WATCH: Bitcoin 101 for Canadians: a beginner’s guide to the digital currency

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Whereas Bitcoin is a digital currency, Ethereum is an entire blockchain-based platform whose operations are fueled by the cryptocurrency token Ether. Ethereum’s usefulness stems from its ability to run smart contracts, which are coding operations that make it possible to exchange money or data in a transparent and secure manner.

The Ethereum platform even comes complete with its own programming language, allowing developers to build applications and services that use its blockchain. The Catena Blockchain Suite, built by Ottawa-based company Bitaccess, is one such application.

How is the NRC using the Ethereum blockchain?

Every time the NRC gives a grant to a company or individual, it shares that information with Bitaccess, which stores the data on the secure and tamper-proof Ethereum blockchain. Individual grant information is then posted online.

Canadians can peruse grant information by monetary value, date, recipient and region. They can also verify grant information by clicking on the Transaction ID link, which takes them to the unique transaction listing on the online Ethereum transaction database Etherscan.io.

As of Saturday, Jan. 20, the biggest grant listed on the database was an $11,849,901 contribution to an industry R&D project at Ryerson University.

The initiative should come as music to the ears of Ethereum’s 23-year-old Russian-Canadian inventor Vitalik Buterin.

While much of the talk surrounding the rise of cryptocurrencies has centred on their profit-making potential (the value of the Ether token has risen by over 10,000 per cent in the last one year), Buterin, who invented Ethereum in 2015 aged 19, has been keen to stress the larger mission behind the technology — his website and Twitter timeline frequently refer to the use of Ethereum to distribute power and trust among the masses, rather than focus them on traditional power brokers such as government and banks.

Ethereum’s inventor Vitalik Buterin speaks during the TechCrunch Disrupt 2017 event in San Francisco, California, U.S., Sept. 18, 2017.

David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

On one occasion, he shared an article discussing the use of Ethereum by the UN and European Union to monitor refugee populations and funding, while maintaining that the use of the technology by governments doesn’t run contrary to its mission of decentralization.

Arguably, its utility to the former *protects* it against those who wish to challenge it because of the latter.

— Vitalik Buterin (@VitalikButerin) September 3, 2017

In November, Buterin tweeted out a poll asking his half a million followers to vote on which institutions they would most like to see adopt blockchain storage.With 44 per cent of the vote, the “government” option easily won out.

Original article and pictures take www.canada24news.com site

Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding

Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding
The National Research Council Canada office in Halifax, N.S., Aug. 10, 2015.
The National Research Council Canada office in Halifax, N.S., Aug. 10, 2015.

The Canadian government has launched a trial to explore the use of blockchain technology in making government research grant and funding information more transparent to the public.

For the trial, the National Research Council (NRC) is using the Catena Blockchain Suite, a Canadian-made product built on the Ethereum blockchain, to publish funding and grant information in real time.

When the NRC creates or amends a grant, the pertinent information is stored on the Ethereum blockchain, and posted on an online database that Canadians can peruse.

READ MORE: Federal government exploring ‘blockchain’ technology to boost innovation economy

“Blockchains provide the ultimate in transparency and trust, making this technology a brave new world for organizations that strive to conduct transparent business,” the NRC said in a blog post.

“These are early days yet, but the experiment is expected to provide constructive insight into the potential for blockchain technology and how it may be used for more open and transparent function of public programs.”

What is the Ethereum blockchain?

As the NRC website explains, “On the simplest level, blockchains are public ledgers that record transactions shared among many users. Once data is entered on a blockchain, it is secure and unalterable, and provides a permanent record.”

The high level of security comes from storage of data in encrypted blocks that are decentralized, or stored on a network of computers around the world. This combination of encryption and decentralization ensures that data is practically impenetrable.

The most well-known manifestation of blockchain technology is Bitcoin, a digital currency that stores all transactions and amounts on a decentralized public ledger. But while Bitcoin’s meteoric rise has garnered it much hype, its utility pales in comparison to Ethereum.

WATCH: Bitcoin 101 for Canadians: a beginner’s guide to the digital currency

Whereas Bitcoin is a digital currency, Ethereum is an entire blockchain-based platform whose operations are fueled by the cryptocurrency token Ether. Ethereum’s usefulness stems from its ability to run smart contracts, which are coding operations that make it possible to exchange money or data in a transparent and secure manner.

READ MORE: Bitcoin’s profitability dwarfed by cryptocurrency rivals Ripple, Ethereum

The Ethereum platform even comes complete with its own programming language, allowing developers to build applications and services that use its blockchain. The Catena Blockchain Suite, built by Ottawa-based company Bitaccess, is one such application.

How is the NRC using the Ethereum blockchain?

Every time the NRC gives a grant to a company or individual, it shares that information with Bitaccess, which stores the data on the secure and tamper-proof Ethereum blockchain. Individual grant information is then posted online.

Canadians can peruse grant information by monetary value, date, recipient and region. They can also verify grant information by clicking on the Transaction ID link, which takes them to the unique transaction listing on the online Ethereum transaction database Etherscan.io.

As of Saturday, Jan. 20, the biggest grant listed on the database was an $11,849,901 contribution to an industry R&D project at Ryerson University.

READ MORE: Quebec poised to become bitcoin mining hub as China cracks down on energy-sapping miners

The initiative should come as music to the ears of Ethereum’s 23-year-old Russian-Canadian inventor Vitalik Buterin.While much of the talk surrounding the rise of cryptocurrencies has centred on their profit-making potential (the value of the Ether token has risen by over 10,000 per cent in the last one year), Buterin, who invented Ethereum in 2015 aged 19, has been keen to stress the larger mission behind the technology — his website and Twitter timeline frequently refer to the use of Ethereum to distribute power and trust among the masses, rather than focus them on traditional power brokers such as government and banks.

Ethereum’s inventor Vitalik Buterin speaks during the TechCrunch Disrupt 2017 event in San Francisco, California, U.S., Sept. 18, 2017.
Ethereum’s inventor Vitalik Buterin speaks during the TechCrunch Disrupt 2017 event in San Francisco, California, U.S., Sept. 18, 2017.

On one occasion, he shared an article discussing the use of Ethereum by the UN and European Union to monitor refugee populations and funding, while maintaining that the use of the technology by governments doesn’t necessarily run contrary to the aim of decentralization.

Arguably, its utility to the former *protects* it against those who wish to challenge it because of the latter.

— Vitalik Buterin (@VitalikButerin) September 3, 2017

In November, Buterin tweeted out a poll asking his half a million followers to vote on which institutions they would most like to see adopt blockchain storage.

With 44 per cent of the vote, the “government” option easily won out.

© 2018 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

Original article and pictures take secure.gravatar.com site

пятница, 19 мая 2017 г.

Canada Leverages Ethereum Blockchain For Public Transparency Of Government Grants

Canada Leverages Ethereum Blockchain For Public Transparency Of Government Grants

On January 19, 2018, reports indicate that the Canadian government will be looking to utilize the Ethereum blockchain in a bid to provide public transparency for disclosures relating to research and grant funding.

If successful, this trial of a public-facing database powered by the Ethereum blockchain may lead to other government agencies using the same tech to achieve a similar measure of transparency.

With the new system, hosted on Canada's National Research Council (NRC) website, anyone can see amendments to all existing grants created by the NRC, as well as any proposals for new ones in real-time, providing a layer of clarity and assurance for the public. The NRC has acknowledged that businesses wishing to engage in similar open practices can also turn to blockchain platforms.

According to the NRC:

"Blockchains provide the ultimate in transparency and trust, making this technology a brave new world for organizations that strive to conduct transparent business."

The database contains entries tracking the progress of every NRC grant and proposal, totaling 3,678 disclosures, which can be browsed through filters like monetary value, date, recipient, and region. Disclosures range from a grant of $665 to an Ottawa-based recipient, identified as "Zzzzjan19," in order to "support a firm in the 'Wheat farming' industry (NAICS: 11114)," to the largest grant tracked on the government's system, an amount totaling $11,849,091, for Toronto-based Ryerson University, "to support a firm in the 'Other schools and instruction' industry (NAICS: 6116)."

Data available for viewing includes the transaction ID, blockchain publication date, block number, contract index, the signed contract, a transaction ID icon, and information revealing the manner in which the funding effort was recorded to the Ethereum blockchain.

The trial for the pilot project will be spearheaded by the NRC via the Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP), an organization which operates as the Canadian government's premier research and development organization. An Ethereum blockchain-compatible software service called Catena Blockchain Suite, built by Bitaccess, is the platform upon which the government database rests.

As new technology platforms like the Ethereum blockchain provide governments a means to achieve greater transparency, pilot programs that test the capability of such systems to produce deliverables are laying the groundwork for future mass adoption. "These are early days yet," said the NRC, "but the experiment is expected to provide constructive insight into the potential for blockchain technology and how it may be used for more open and transparent function of public programs."

Jeremy Nation is a writer living in Los Angeles with interests in technology, human rights, and cuisine. He is a full time staff writer for ETHNews and holds value in Ether.

Like what you read? Follow us on Twitter @ETHNews_ to receive the latest Canada, Ethereum or other Ethereum technology news.

Original article and pictures take www.ethnews.com site

четверг, 18 мая 2017 г.

Canadá investiga la posibilidad de respaldar contratos en la red Ethereum

Canadá investiga la posibilidad de respaldar contratos en la red Ethereum

El Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Canadá (NRC), es una organización que nace de una iniciativa del gobierno, que actualmente está probando la tecnología Blockchain y Ethereum para registrar contratos realizados por entes gubernamentales.

Para llevar a cabo el programa piloto, el NRC está utilizando la plataforma Catena de Bitaccess, una startup de blockchain, para publicar información sobre subvenciones gubernamentales y contribuciones sobre el blockchain de código abierto.

Según un comunicado de prensa, el esfuerzo es parte de un movimiento para hacer que la administración del gobierno impulse una mayor transparencia en sus procesos. El Programa de Asistencia de Investigación Industrial del NRC es la primera entidad que prueba la tecnología Blockchain y ya está publicando información sobre las contribuciones. El grupo también evaluará cómo el gobierno puede aplicar la tecnología blockchain en otras áreas.

El cofundador de Bitaccess, Moe Adham, dijo en una publicación en su blog que la compañía construyó su Suite Cadena Blockchain para ayudar a las organizaciones a familiarizarse con el uso de la tecnología.

Moe Adham explica a detalle:

“Nuestro objetivo es permitir que las instituciones sean totalmente transparentes y que los mandantes participen en la verificación y validación de la información de carácter público”.

Si bien es notable el esfuerzo, este no es el primer organismo oficial en el país en incursionar en la tecnología blockchain. El banco central canadiense ya comenzó a experimentar con plataformas basadas en blockchain, particularmente con sistemas de liquidación.

El “Proyecto Jasper” del Banco de Canadá, ahora en su tercera fase, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones sobre liquidación de valores y resiliencia en períodos de tensión.

Original article and pictures take cdn.coincrispy.com site

среда, 17 мая 2017 г.

Các dự án ICO trên nền tảng Ethereum vượt ngưỡng 1 tỷ USD

Các dự án ICO trên nền tảng Ethereum vượt ngưỡng 1 tỷ USD


Giá trị của các dự án trên nền tảng Ethereum để huy động nguồn tài chính thông qua việc bán token ICO đã vượt mức 1 tỷ USD ngày 7.5.2017 trong khi lãi suất tiếp tục tăng.

Golem chiếm vị trí hàng đầu trong số các dự án trên nền tảng Ethereum, đạt mức thị trường khoảng 204 triệu USD, tăng khoảng 25 lần so với lúc đầu gọi vốn khoản 8,6 triệu USD.

Golem sẽ sớm tung version chính của một siêu máy tính trên toàn thế giới được tạo ra thông qua việc kết hợp các nguồn tài nguyên lại, chẳng hạn như sức mạnh của CPU, được cung cấp bởi bất cứ ai có máy tính xách tay hoặc các thiết bị máy tính khác, sau đó nhà nghiên cứu có thể sử dụng hoặc bất cứ ai cần tài nguyên dịch vụ này.

Vị trí vốn hóa thị trường của các Cryptocurrency trên thị trường tiền điện tử.

Vị trí thứ hai là Augur, tiếp theo sau là Gnosis. Cả hai đều là những thị trường Ethereum sớm đã dự đoán trước, Gnosis đã gây quỹ 12,5 triệu USD trong khoản 10 phút chỉ trong tuần trước với giá trị 300 triệu USD. Cách đấu giá đã được thực hiện có nghĩa là chỉ có 10% số thẻ đã có sẵn trên thị trường, dẫn đến nảy ra một số cuộc tranh luận về cách chính xác mức độ giới hạn thị trường của họ.

Coinmarketcap đưa ra giá trị của nó phải được đo bằng cách đếm các token đang lưu thông. Dự án này đã tăng lên 10 lần ngay sau khi ra mắt với thị trường khoản 117 triệu USD, tổng token trong thị trường nhiều hơn 1 tỉ USD.

DigixDAO đứng ở vị trí thứ 4 với thị phần khoản 70 triệu USD. Họ nhằm mục đích muốn tạo ra một đồng tiền ổn định bằng cách muốn quy đổi các token sang vàng khi tạo ra token vàng kỹ thuật số.

Dấu hiệu duy nhất trong top 5 là SingularDTV, một dự án nhằm mang lại những smart contract cho ngành công nghiệp điện ảnh. Họ đã giảm gần 10% chỉ trong ngày hôm nay, nhưng vẫn được hưởng mức thị trường là 65 triệu USD.

Nhìn chung, có 29 thương vụ mua bán trên coinmarketcap chỉ trong vòng dưới hai năm sau khi Ethereum được tung ra. Kết hợp lại, giá trị khoảng 1 tỷ USD, mỗi dự án đều có một mục đích riêng.

Hầu hết các dự án vẫn còn phát triển hay sắp ra mắt, với có nhiều dự án sẽ thành công trong năm nay. Điều đó có nghĩa là một hệ sinh thái hoàn toàn mới đã hình thành với một cách thức mới để huy động vốn tài trợ cho dự án, và đã thành công hơn rất nhiều so với các giải pháp thay thế cho quỹ tài trợ của VC hạn chế.

Original article and pictures take tiendientu.org site

вторник, 16 мая 2017 г.

Brazil to Embrace Ethereum Blockchain to Solve Their Electoral Problems

Brazil to Embrace Ethereum Blockchain to Solve Their Electoral Problems

As blockchain technology is becoming more and more widespread and popular, there are numerous use cases of it emerging outside the field of cryptocurrency and finance.


Brazil is looking at adopting it to solve their popular petition issues. Popular petition is a form of electoral initiative with its essence in people selecting and signing petitions on relevant issues. If the petition has the necessary 1% of the country’s voting population behind it, it is submitted to Congress and the government is bound to review it.

However, the regular system of gathering and verifying such signatures based on paperwork is time-consuming and ineffective. So, sometimes even those petitions that get the necessary number of signatures are not reviewed by the authorities due to the confusion caused by loads of papers.

Designer turned programmer Ricardo Fernandes Paixão and political advisor Everton Fraga seem to have come up with an innovative solution to that problem by offering recording and storing of signatures on the Ethereum blockchain. Their system would allow for avoiding loads of paperwork, simplifying the verification process and eliminating forgery.


Brazilian government supported the initiative and has started developing a mobile app that will allow people to register for the system online and place their signatures on petitions they support or submit a petition itself. On a daily basis, those signatures will be hashed and recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. Such a system will ensure no signature is lost or forged. Besides, due to the decentralized nature of the system, anyone will be able to view the actual number of signatures for a certain petition, thus eliminating the possibility to manipulate or forge the voting results.

Original article and pictures take bitnewsbot.b-cdn.net site

понедельник, 15 мая 2017 г.

Brasil podría empezar a almacenar peticiones de los ciudadanos en Ethereum y Blockchain

Brasil podría empezar a almacenar peticiones de los ciudadanos en Ethereum y Blockchain

Legisladores en Brasil están acudiendo al ethreum para darle mayor impacto a las peticiones hechas por las poblaciones en Brasil. El sistema electoral del país ha recibida muchas críticas y es considerado por muchos como la razón detrás de la crisis política por la que atraviesan en la actualidad.

Ahora, Ricardo Fernandes Paixâo y Everton Fraga están diseñando un plan basado en ethereum que puede ayudar a ponerle fin a varios de los problemas que encuentran las peticiones hechas por los ciudadanos. El par quiere usar la tecnología Blockchain como un sustento que pueda avalar que las firmas que se recolectan para hacerle una petición al gobierno de Brasil son verídicas.

Esto es algo de suma importancia para el país, ya que, cualquier petición o projeto de lei de iniciativa popular que adquiera al menos el 1% de firmas de la población debe ser planteado ante el Congreso, tal y como lo especifica la Constitución del país, sin embargo el gobierno ha fallado en el cumplimiento de su propia ley.

Recolectar firmas de forma común es algo muy costoso para las personas en Brasil, principalmente por su alta densidad poblacional, y eso no solo vuelve el proceso de recolección complicado, sino que la parte de verificación de firmas es casi imposible, eso sin antes mencionar el hecho de que un Diputado del Congreso debe adoptar la petición para así ser presentada.

Hasta ahora solo cuatro leyes que vienen de peticiones han sido pasadas al Congreso, es por eso que Ferandes Paixâo y Fraga idearon un sistema moderno de recolección de firmas.

La plataforma que ellos diseñaron funciona con una aplicación móvil que se encarga de recolectar firmas digitales. El sistema también tendrá una API que puede ser usada por desarrolladores. Los brasileños podrán registrar su información en la app y posteriormente pueden firmar la petición que deseen o incluso pueden inscribir una petición nueva.

Una vez al día la lista de nombres que apoyan una petición en particular pasan por un sistema criptográfico llamado hashing, lo que termina resultado en una cadena de hilos de varios caracteres. La ventaja de ese proceso es que trabaja siguiendo una sola vía, es decir cualquiera puede verificar que su nombre haya sido incluido en la petición, pero es imposible retirarse del proceso luego de que la información haya sido incluida en el sistema.

El récord diario queda luego adjunto a una transacción de ethreum, que a su vez se lleva como una entrada a la cadena de bloques lo que garantiza que hay un respaldo de información permanente, y a su vez al ser descentralizada hay garantía de que existen copias resguardadas en otros ordenadores, lo que vuelve al fraude casi imposible.

Si el sistema llega a llevarse a cabo significaría que las peticiones populares Brasil estarían resguardadas por el sistema global y descentralizado de la tecnología Blockchain, lo que convertiría al gobierno del país en uno de los primeros en trabajar con esta tecnología.

El proyecto se viene desarrollando desde el año pasado, pero se requiere una aprobación por parte de la legislatura para poder llevarlo a la práctica, pero de ocurrir sería una celebración para la democracia brasilera.

Original article and pictures take cdn.coincrispy.com site

Blockchain Technology Is Changing The Digital World As We Know It

Blockchain Technology Is Changing The Digital World As We Know It

Although the creation of the web has solved many problems over the years, and because of the fact that many of us couldn’t live without it, there’s always been the concern about people’s security. Other people can see what you’re doing online, track trends over what you look at, see your pictures, and most importantly, it’s possible to see your financial transactions over the worldwide web. No matter how many different solutions have been thrown at this problem, there were always leaks in them due to the use of third parties. When purchasing something online using a credit card, which many of us do on a daily basis, you’re giving away tons of your personal data, plus there’s the transaction fees that we’ve all grown so used to, which are often not even worth it for smaller payments and purchases.

Not too long ago, in the year 2008, the first ever cryptocurrency was created, it was the digital currency known as Bitcoin. These are different then traditional types of currencies as they’re not controlled by countries or governements, and don’t go through any third party. This was a huge breakthrough for means of exchange, and a big solution to a lot of problems. Transactions usually go through two or more parties for reasons of trust, but now trust can be manufactured simply through a complex code.

All the transactions of a Bitcoin are recorded in ledgers known as blockchains. These ledgers use extremely complex technology in order to work effectively, however the idea is fairly simple. A blockchain enables anyone to directly and securely make a transaction or to create a smart contract between two people or companies (which a new platform called Ethereum is doing), without having to go through any third parties. These third parties could include a credit card company, bank, or a platform such as PayPal, all of which will take a transaction fee. Blockchains have the potential to unleash endless new applications. Using blockchains has many benefits, such as a very secure system, increased speed, few errors, lower costs than other methods, plus the elimination of central points of attack. Therefore, it is no surprise that many companies are showing an interest in this rather new technology. It’s for these reasons, that this new technology is set to change the world as we know it today. Bitcoin opened the door using blockchains for the first cryptocurrency, and now Ethereum is broadening the horizon of blockchain technology with what it’s calling Smart Contracts.

The following infographic is brought to you by a joint collaboration between bargainroo.com and gutcher.de.

Blockchain Technology Is Changing The Digital World As We Know It

Original article and pictures take www.valuewalk.com site

пятница, 12 мая 2017 г.

Blockchain Rolls Out Trading Feature for 22 States in the U.S.

Blockchain Rolls Out Trading Feature for 22 States in the U.S.
Blockchain Rolls Out Trading Feature for 22 States in the U.S.

This week the UK-based company Blockchain has announced it has begun to roll out buying and selling features for U.S. residents. Starting now Blockchain Wallet users from 22 states can sell units of bitcoin core from within the wallets interface and other digital assets like bitcoin cash and ethereum will soon follow.

Also read: Markets Update: Cryptocurrency Prices Rebound But Uncertainty Still Lingers

Residents from 22 States Can Use the Blockchain Wallet to Trade Cryptocurrency

The firm Blockchain (otherwise known as Blockchain.info) is one of the most popular and oldest cryptocurrency businesses in the space with over 22 million wallet accounts, according to the company. The firm has just announced that users from 22 U.S. states can now sell their bitcoin core from within the wallet (buy options will be available shortly). Out of all users the company’s CEO Peter Smith estimates that 30-40 percent of those users stem from the U.S. On January 18 the firm announced a partnership with a company called SFOX, a business that has contributed to “laying the groundwork for our Blockchain users in the U.S. to seamlessly buy and sell digital assets.”

“We are on a mission to build an open, accessible, and fair financial future, one piece of software at a time — This announcement brings us one step closer to realizing that mission by making the exchange of digital assets fast, easy, and inexpensive for millions of users across the US,” explains Blockchain’s announcement.

And this is just the beginning; in the coming weeks, users will also be able to buy bitcoin, and buy and sell other assets like ether and bitcoin cash.

Blockchain Wallet and SFOX’s sell feature.

Trading Will Open to More U.S. Residents In the Near Future

With Blockchain having a large user base stemming from the U.S. the company’s new feature service will compete with firms such as Coinbase. Earlier this week discussing the partnership with SFOX with the news outlet CNBC, the company’s founder Peter Smith said he was very optimistic about the future of digital assets. Smith also says it was easier to start the sell option first in order to control the initial launch more carefully.

“If we are prioritizing short-term gains, we would prioritize buy — that is what most people have done. But it’s really time to make sure we nail that experience,” Smith explains.

Information on how to trade within the 22 states can be found within the company’s support for trading bitcoin in the U.S. section. The process requires identity verification and the user must link a bank account. SFOX sends two small USD deposits to your bank account and once verification is complete users can sell their BTC using the wallet. The bitcoin core sell feature is currently available in Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

“We’re looking to expand to new states in the near future,” Blockchain’s U.S. support portal notes.

What do you think about Blockchain Wallet offering trading services for U.S. users? Let us know in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, and Blockchain.

Want to etch a document into the bitcoin cash blockchain? Check out our bitcoin cash powered notary service here.

The post Blockchain Rolls Out Trading Feature for 22 States in the U.S. appeared first on Bitcoin News.

Original article and pictures take www.btcethereum.com site

четверг, 11 мая 2017 г.

Blockchain in action

Blockchain in action

The groundbreaking database technology Blockchain overcomes the limits of the financial industry. Prevent recipe fraud, recharge e-cars, even marry – everything is now possible via Blockchain.

The Blockchain is a novel technique for storing data and allows the secure management of information of any kind. The Blockchain originated in the Internet currency Bitcoin, where the monetary value can be transferred without central bank instance. Elementary constituents of the blockchain are the transactions. Two parties exchange information with each other. Subsequently, the data is verified and validated, verifying whether a party has the appropriate rights for these transactions. This is followed by the mining (German: digging), in which after a certain time the transactions are combined into blocks and a hash value is formed above. Thereafter, the blocks are appended to the chain and via a peer-to-peer network distributed.

The blockchain technology can be considered absolutely tamper-proof because the blocks are hashed and copies of the file are distributed on the Internet. If you want to manipulate the content of the blockchain you would have to change at least 51 percent of the copies. This would involve such high costs that the manipulation of such a database is completely uneconomical.

The best-known and most promising application of blockchains are the Smart Contracts(German: intelligent contracts). Smart contracts are a new form of contract. These are web-based computer protocols that depict contracts and technically support the execution of a contract. These computer algorithms determine which conditions lead to which decision. It is advantageous in this automated processing of contracts that no lawyers or lawyers are needed when writing or executing. For example, these algorithms could monitor contracts in real time and automatically enforce the rights of contractors. Thus, the human factor becomes a source of errorlocked out. Furthermore, the profession of bailiffs is at risk. For example, if a customer does not pay the rate for their car, access to the vehicle may be automatically disabled.

In principle, blockchain applications are capable of executing code. First blockchains implement very simple operations such as setting a token. Meanwhile, established programming languages are used to make the complex calculations of hash values, so called mining. In many cases, the code is not executed in isolation but is part of a larger application. In addition, blockchain programs differ from classic software. So the program itself is recorded by the blockchain. If the program is executed, it can not be interrupted or otherwise disturbed by anyone . This technique ensures that the content of the contracts is fully implemented.

Smart contracts are particularly useful because these contracts can involve several parties who do not trust one hundred percent. The fulfillment of the contracts is completely automatic – including their monitoring. In many contracts, clauses are intentionally included to control a contract. In traditional contracts, compliance with clauses must be manually monitored. If, for example, the person monitoring is on vacation or sick, the implementation is delayed by the corresponding time span. The use of smart contracts greatly reduces the operational risk of the parties and the process is automated and trustworthy.

What’s up with Blockchain, Bitcoin and Co.?


Another cryptocurrency based on the blockchain principle. Provides a platform for programmable smart contracts. The “ethers” are regarded by fans as a legitimate successor to the Bitcoins (see also above picture).



Microsoft Azure cloud-built service that allows users to put external data into a blockchain without destroying their security and integrity. As an individualized middleware, cryptlets can also be developed by Azure users themselves – in any programming language – and build the bridge from the blockchain to new business services in the cloud.


Digital money, without coins and bills. Cryptography builds a distributed, secure and decentralized payment system. Does not require banks, but computing power and technical aids such as the blockchain.

4.block Chain

A blockchain is a distributed database that maintains an ever-growing list of transaction records. The database is extended chronologically linearly, similar to a chain, at the lower end constantly new elements are added (hence the term “block chain” = “block chain”). If one block is complete, the next one is created. Each block contains a checksum of the previous block.

The blockchain technical model was developed as part of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin – a web-based, decentralized, public accounting system for all Bitcoin transactions ever made.


A globally available decentralized payment system and the name of a digital monetary unit. You do not need a bank to handle Bitcoin payments – everything is done through a peer-to-peer network of computers and the blockchain as the central database.


6.Bitcoin Core

The open source software validates the entire blockchain and was released in early 2009 by a certain “Satoshi Nakamoto” under the name “Bitcoin”. Bitcoin Core was in C ++ soon to be programmed especially for Windows systems. A little later the porting to GNU / Linux followed. Because the developers are divided, there are now some derivatives of Bitcoin software, including Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Unlimited or Bitcoin Classic.

Bitcoin Core


The “scalable blockchain database” can manage up to one million writes per second, store petabytes of data, and still have a latency of less than a second – all managed in a decentralized manner and with the highest data integrity. The technical basis is blockchain technology.

8.Distributed Ledger

Financial term for “distributed account management”. Bitcoin is a completely new technical approach to distributing information about specific assignments. There is no longer a classic account managed centrally at a bank, but “account management” is based on a network of communicating systems.

9.Smart contract

A computer log that can depict or review contracts or provide technical support for negotiating a contract. Could in future replace the written contract.


The startup R3 CEV builds the blockchain-based “Global Fabric for Finance”. With around 50 financial partners, the largest block chain in the world to be developed – a first test run with eleven banks, including Barclays, Credit Suisse, HSBC, UBS and UniCredit has already been successfully completed. R3CEV has entered into a strategic partnership with Microsoft to develop blockchain infrastructure and technology in the Azure Cloud.



A free software with which every user can develop their own blockchain application.

eris Industries


An open source protocol for a payment network – currently under development. P2P payment method and foreign exchange market in one, based on the cryptocurrency “XRP”. However, ripple users are not set to this one currency, but can use any currency – including euros, dollars or yen, for example.

Ripple Labs

In June 2016, after three months of preparation, the world’s first Blockchain-based auctiontook place in Ukraine , selling state-issued licenses. The platform for technical implementation was Microsoft Azure Cloud Services . The aim of the government-led initiative is that bidders from all regions of Ukraine and abroad can participate in the auction. Due to the security aspects of Blockchain, no third party can take control of the system, resulting in a secure auction history. In addition, all transactions are transparent – there are no closed doors in these auctions, all information is publicly available and accessible to everyone, It is expected that Blockchain-based auctions will prove their worth worldwide.

There are other interesting fields of application for blockchain technology. So it is already possible in the US to marry with Blockchain. Joyce and David Mondrus were the first couple to be married by Blockchain in October 2014. In principle, one can store any information in a blockchain, in this case it was the marriage. The ceremony was held via Skype. For the legally compliant marriage, the couple had to scan and confirm a QR code that was written directly into the Blockchain database . In this way, it is even possible to marry anonymously – that is, without knowing each other or has ever seen. Whether many couples prefer this service to a “real” wedding will be shown by the future.

Slock.it and RWE entered into an interesting cooperation in order to use the bitcoin version Ethereum for payment at charging stations of electric cars. With blockchain technology, companies want to create a single and cost-effective payment system that is independent of cashiers, coin slots or vandal-prone EC card slots. Behind the cooperation is the vision to revolutionize the distribution of electricity for cars – RWE, for example, introduces electric carsinduction charging while they wait at red lights. So the stationary shop in city traffic should become completely superfluous. The payment of the small amounts of money for the electricity then takes place via the cost-effective Ethereum.

Another keyword for the use of blockchain technology is the “Democracy 2.0” . This means that elections could take place via blockchain, also to increase general turnout. By using blockchains, governments would be able to give citizens more electoral rights. Instead of the four-year legislative period, which is valid in Germany, for example, a “permanent election system” could be set up in which parliaments are assembled in shorter periods at the will of the voters.

In addition, referendums are quick, flexible and inexpensive to carry out. Currently, the Federal Constitutional Court refuses this technique. The judge’s argument is that parties could manipulate the election with the help of vend machine manufacturers and software developers.

No more manipulated odometer readings

In the following two possible application scenarios for the Blockchain are presented, which are so far only thought games.

So is the manipulation of odometer readings in cars is a big nuisance and meets the facts of fraud in Germany. The damage adds up to around six billion euros per year. The counterfeiting of odometer stands is very easy and fast done with the appropriate technology. One approach to preventing these scams could be to write the mileage of all vehicles in a blockchain. It is conceivable that open Wi-Fi hotspotstransfer the odometer reading to the blockchain. Thus, the human factor is excluded in the transfer and he can not fake the entry. If the mileage in the car is lower than that in the database, the car was manipulated. The blockchain could end the criminal machinations of the tacho forgers forever.

Also being cheated on a grand scale with manipulated health care billing . A big problem for the health insurance funds are so-called “air recipes”. These are prescriptions that are billed by the pharmacies, but the prescribed drugs were never sold. Most recently, the statutory health insurance found suspected air prescription frauds with a total loss of 16 million euros. The number of unreported cases is likely to be many times higher, since the fraud is very difficult to prove.

Remedy could be a blockchain. Any drug packaging that is dispensed must be clearly marked. This could be realized , for example, via a QR code . This code clearly identifies where the drug is located. This can be at the manufacturer, wholesaler, pharmacy or patient. If a drug is sold to the patient, the QR code is scanned and the drug is written as spent in the blockchain. Only when the drug is marked as spent, the pharmacy receives the money from the health insurance. The QR code may already be printed on the recipe. So the patient can be sure that he has received the right medicine.

Furthermore, the billing of medical services could be done using blockchain. Thus, the patient could be required to confirm the services provided by the doctor. Only when the performance has been confirmed by the patient and is registered in the blockchain, the health insurance company reimburses accordingly.

The young, innovative database technology Blockchain will cause major changes in the field of IT and also in the various sectors of the economy and industry. Their biggest advantage over conventional databases is the data and manipulation security .

The use of blockchains threatens a whole range of business models. The cutback will be severe in the area of ​​justice, since contracts can be concluded by smart contracts without the use of notaries and lawyers. Furthermore, part of the work of bailiffs will be canceled if, for example, access to unpaid goods is automatically blocked. There are also changes to be made in the real estate industry – the purchase and sale of real estate can be handled without brokers by supporting Smart Contract and save its lush commission. In the banking sector, blockchain will lead to major infrastructure slippage. Currently, it is estimated that the savings potential of the banks is 50 to 70 percent .

The future will show whether the future visions in connection with the blockchain will be fulfilled. Many applications are currently still in Alpha or Beta. It is unlikely that the “big players” such as Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft will be cut in their market power. It makes sense for many companies, now to deal with the blockchain, not to lose the connection to the competition.

Original article and pictures take digitalbodha.com site

среда, 10 мая 2017 г.




The issue of lack of workforce in the digital industry across the world today can be seen to be as a result of higher education institutions not giving proper response to the needs of actual labor market. The basic education system usually takes up to 4 to 6 years and when done graduates are no guaranteed of employment. It is evident that most of the skills needed today in the digital industry don’t even require a higher education. Individuals who have practical digital economy skills and willingness to learn are needed, this proves why more and more tech-savvy teens get freelancing jobs and earn more than their parents/mentors.

These lapses are the reason why a team of experts came together with a great idea and introduced the world’s first blockchain-powered, smart-incentives based online education platform called BITDEGREE. Bitdegree platform has a unique purpose to give students an opportunity to acquire skills that are required in the labor market currently. Asking business what skills they will require in coming years (3–5 years) is not the way to do but responding to explicitly expressed skilled labor demand quickly. Bitdegree has be created to align with the incentives of students and anyone who wants them to become knowledge workers in digital economy- like potential or current employers, digital service sponsors and providers.

Smart-incentive is a smart contract on ethereum network that ensure the exchange of tokens between a sponsor( the incentive creator) and a student (the incentive taker) who is committing to study a particular subject so as to receive tokens( the incentive). Bitdegree platform offers students online courses with transparent and clear blockchain reward system and achievement tracking. Bitdegree overall platform overhead (as in expenses ) of using Ethereum network for transactional and immutable data storage needs, will be minimum (low) as their use case for blockchain is not sensitive to prolonged waiting periods before transactions are committed. Bitdegere uses Octalysis framework of gamification design to make learning process as exciting as playing Minecraft.

Bitdegree platform serves as a unique tool for business to recruit tech talent and through smart-incentives shape global education to its needs. With Bitdegree it becomes easy for National government Job centers to track the demand of skills without the involvement of scrupulous report gatherings from businesses and also assist jobless people by subsidizing studies for skills on high demand. The main unique benefit of Bitdegree platform to incentive providers the ease and possibility to initiate and maintain dialogue with upcoming talent and reward them for achievements through smart-incentives. On the Bitdegree platform, smart-incentives will range from small to large also be location and topic targeted. From the student’s perspective, means student will be getting paid to learn new skills based on local demand, which not only incentives but can actually be a viable escape from unskilled work. The Bitdegree proposed incentive alignment approach has not been attempted on any educational platform before.

Bitdegree believes that;

· The public education systems are flawed and they need to be decentralized, democratized and otherwise disrupted,

· Hiring the best and well educated talent is the key to success of any technology business and thus the business should be ready to invest in such talent,

· Blockchain-powered smart-incentives and gamification features Bitdegree enable are the game changers.

· Every single person in the world today deserves access to proper education, no matter the race, age, gender or religion.


Bitdegree sees the need for centralization of certain aspects of the Bitdegree platform (at least in the beginning) so as to enable shorter development and deployment cycles and also to ensure faster market adoption, though Bitdegree believes in decentralization and self-sustainable architectures. Bitdegree intends making their platform at first operational and they already have the basic implementations of some of the components in place up and running. At initial stage the platform will provide functional and complete services, essential to sustainability of the platform but Bitdgeree has a bold general plan for the future. Bitdegree decided to start with mature, conventional web technology after evaluating the current technology capabilities, such as blockstack.org and with time Bitdegree aims to decentralize such things as course creation, course mentorship, verification of study, smart-incentives creation and others.


Bitdegree shares the motto of Jeff Bezos “we are stubborn on vision but flexible on details”. Bitdegree sees at least three stages of platform development which are essential. They got great and clear plans for v1 (version 1) and what happens in v1 will be used to plan v2 (version 2) and v3 (version 3) as v1 determines what happens to v2 and v3. Bitdegree follows core guiding principles for their platform design and these principles will be used when deciding on the strategic direction of the platform and new functionalities. These principles include;

· Sustainability

· Disruption

· Decentralization

· Growth

· Transparency

· Inclusion


2007–2016–29M+ user base Reached 29 million users on 000webhost — free web development learning platform, and Hostinger — web hosting services. Most of the users are young tech-savvy with deep passion to learn. Users already love Bitdegree as an online learning platform.

2017 spring — Web fundamentals Summary of 500+ articles about web coding fundamentals was prepared. Polishing of the business strategy, approaching first business partners, consulting with numerous universities and blockchain companies to develop first courses.

2017 summer/autumn — Bitdegree ICO Period of building Ethereum Smart Contract for upcoming Bitdegree ICO event. An ERC20 token, auditing SM code. Development of MOOC Educational expertise partnerships. Marketing. Bitdegree Token Crowdsale & Distribution Event.

2018 winter/spring — Best online IT Learning Courses Launching the first Blockchain course material. Hire field experts to manage project expansion. Source the best tutors. Blockchain identity registry research and implementation. Onboard 3rd party providers. Course material repository and structure generalization. Launch first 100 courses with world’s best online learning experience.

2018 Q2/Q3 — Hype on Student sector Continue Blockchain knowledge improvement. First token scholarship issued. First partners accept token in BitDegree ecosystem. Start full-stack marketing activities, oriented on student engagement with strong influencers community & Alumni partnerships. Achievement and gamification tracking for students. Tools enabling verification of study effort. Study area and student achievements viewer. Smart incentives contract implementation. Mobile platform development. Students as mentors. 3rd party content. 3rd party assessors.

2018 Q4 — Business Platform launch Developed & launched platform for Sponsors. Business development towards strong sponsorships with emphasis development of courses with a focus on skills in-demand. Creating sourcing pool for talent. Course material index. Sponsorship area. Course chunks mapping and career paths building area.

Future 3rd party integrations. Digital Service Provider SDK Development. Building SDK for a third party Digital Service Providers to integrate Bitdegree Tokens as a means of value exchange into market cycle. At this point in time blockchain technologies are already widely adopted. Tools for token integration into 3rd parties is already present. Bitdegree for Business. Bitdegree Jobs. BitDegree Certification. Bitdegree Decentralized Diploma. BitDegree education AI assistant. Decentralized diploma viewer. Bitdegree training. Bitdegree young talent aquisition. Bitdegree Braille (blind education). Bitdegree for Third World countries.

We anticipate that version 1 of the platform will provide a set of essential services: identity registry, course material repository, course material index, assessment tools, sponsorship area, study area, and student achievement viewer.

The version 1 of Bitdegree platform will provide solutions to most of the problems Bitdegree aims to solve. Version 1 will provide solutions as;

· It will lower costs of sharing the knowledge and assessing knowledge/skills

· It will allow businesses to familiarize students with their offerings

· It will match business and student incentives

· It will provide continuous and opportunistic learning for people striving to gain new desire skills and knowledge

· It will assist in motivating students to continue with studies efforts and provide incentives to those progressing forward.

The BitDegree platform version 2 will introduce localized course material, increase choices of available content and also scale mentorship and assessment functions. BitDegree would love to add more human touch and guidance in the learning process.


BitDegree has been able to study history and attempts of many well established companies providing remote learning experience like Coursera, Khan Academy, EdX, CodeCademy, FutureLearn, XuetangX, Udacity and lots of others to test techniques, ideas and also to create user centric focused workflows. BitDegree has spent time rapidly testing new ideas and ways they respond to the needs of their students, contributors and sponsors. BitDegree enrolled to courses and learned best practices used by most well-established remote education providers. They analyzed availability and price of certification, value provided to scholarship sponsors, availability of scholarship and a level of gamification employed in educational process.


BitDegree believes that with the new incentivized learning model, BitDegree brings the next wave of e-learning adoption, which will spur the growth of the user base. Aligning with the interest of potential students and employers suing the education platform, BitDegree enters the talent sourcing market as well.


BitDegree issues an ERC20 compatible token that will be used to give incentives to students and contributors of the BitDegree platform.

The BitDegree token sale will be final and non-refundable. BitDegree will not be responsible for any loss of tokens or any situation of being unable to access BitDegree tokens, which may result from any actions of omissions of the user or anyone undertaking to get BitDegree tokens and also in the case of hack attacks.

BitDegree Initial Coin Offering event will be held on Q4, 2017 and BitDegree plans to offer anybody sharing their vision to contribute to the development of BitDegree by buying BitDegree tokens. BitDegree aims to raise minimum of 5milllion USD and then stop accepting contribution when 25–30million USD will be collected. Some of the numbers may change due to ETH/USD echange rate volatility but the following numbers are best estimates as of September, 2017.

• Maximum financing: 30,000 ETH — may change due to exchange rate changes;

• Minimum financing: 550 ETH — may change due to exchange rate changes;

• Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 10,000 Bitdegree Tokens — may change with ETH exchange rates;

• Token contract address: Will be published only on website bitdegree.org 48hrs before the crowdsale launch date;

• Launch date and time: Date to be announced soon. Block number will be published on website. Dates may be prone to change;

• Token launch time-frame: 30 days.

• Token launch completion: Token launch will end when either the maximum number of ETH is raised or 30 days have passed. If less than the minimum of ETHs are raised, ETH can be retrieved by holders of BitDegree Token;

• Contributors sending ETH to BitDegree Smart Contract address will immediately receive tokens.



• BitDegree foundation: 66 million (locked for 360 days)

• Scholarships pool: 165 million

• Token available to public at launch: 336.6 million

• Team: 66 million (locked for 720 days)

• Advisors / Partners: 13.2 million (locked for 160 days)

• Bounties: 13.2 million

• Tokens in total: 660 million.


BitDegree Platform: 30% of budget.

The team consists of over 10 engineers [DS8] and MOOC experts fulfilling the key roles in the company — sales, marketing, legal and others. This financing allows the rollout and operations of the BitDegree platform.

Courses development: 30% of budget.

These funds will be directed at third-party education professionals, offering online courses and content production.

Marketing and business development: 25% of budget.

Marketing will focus on expanding awareness and adoption of the BitDegree platform and the platform solution among users, publishers and advertisers. This also includes the growth and maintenance of the world-wide community. Marketing, growth-hacking, PR, partnerships, affiliate programs and more.

Operational: 8% of budget

Consists of BitDegree legal, security, accounting and other associated administration costs;

Security: 2% of budget.

This part of the budget is set-aside for auditing software.

Reserve: 5% of budget.

This part of the budget is set-aside for unforeseen expenditure.



Andrius Putna, CEO, co-founder

Danielius Stasiulis, CBO, co-founder

Ervinas Rimdeika, CLO, co-founder

Rio Asatiani, CMO, co-founder


Jeff Burton, Serial Entrepreneur, co-founder of Electronic Arts

Roberto Santana, Product and Strategy Advisor, Former Senior Manager at Coursera

Maurice De Hond, Steve JobsSchool Founder, Personalized Learning Advisor

James K. Scarborough, Stanford University PhD., Gamification Advisor

Arnas Stuopelis, COO, co-founder

Ričardas Pocius, Technical advisor

Be part of this great project today and let’s take education to a whole new level so as to make the world a lot better for humans to live in. To get more information about BitDegree , participate in any of their well designed program and to connect with other participants all over the world, please click on any of the links listed below;

WEBSITE: http://www.bitdegree.org/

WHITEPAPER: https://www.bitdegree.org/white-paper.pdf

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bitdegree

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bitdegree.org

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bitdegree_org

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2214321.0

MEDIUM: https://blog.bitdegree.org/

AUTHORED BY: teejayrichard

BITCOINTALK URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1265803

WALLET: 0x937fe2c8bd616344a9Be33fDEC04D6F15f53c20F

Original article and pictures take cdn-images-1.medium.com site