четверг, 28 декабря 2017 г.

The project to earn Ethereum cryptocurrency

The project to earn Ethereum cryptocurrency

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Original article and pictures take uvbgroup.stepium.com site

The power of the Etherum platform

The power of the Etherum platform

E-commerce – Over a Trillion Dollar Market and Growing

Over the past three years, e-commerce has grown by leaps and bounds globally, thanks to increasing internet penetration in Asia and the emergence of non-banking players in the payment industry. Retailers around the globe are venturing into online retail, as an increasing number of consumers in both developed and emerging markets flock to virtual marketplaces to buy products.

Today, one-third of the world’s population has access to the Internet and approximately 1 billion people every year are expected to shop online for products such as clothes, electronics, books, fashion accessories, and travel packages. According to US-based market research company eMarketer, global B2C e-commerce revenue is likely to grow at a CAGR of 16% between 2014 and 2017.

According to reports published by International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Central Statistics Office (CSO), India is among the fastest growing economies of the world. Among several factors, a conscious patronization of online commerce, and an emergence of retail as a dominant market segment have contributed to the unprecedented growth of eCommerce in India. For the financial year 2016-17, eCommerce sales reached the US $16 billion with a projection of a seven fold growth within the next two fiscals as estimated by Morgan Stanley. By 2020 online commerce sales is expected to cross $120 billion.

Payment Solutions, especially for eCommerce industry has great potential and plays an integral role in reaching the main microeconomic goals which regard economic growth, employment, sustainable economic and social development.

Today a majority of consumers are facing difficulties regarding payment methods. Money transfer charges are increasing and transaction times are longer than before. A new payment system would allow firms, individuals, governments and other economic agents to transfer money on a daily basis without such inconveniences

Therefore, ZuperCoin is building a different payment system. It is designed to facilitate on-demand payment. It is secure, has lower fees than traditional payment methods, faster access with no limitation of the amount used to buy any eCommerce Product or Service.

Through ZuperCoin wallet, consumers will use multiple devices, and can have an intuitive and seamless experience across all applications. ZuperCoin engineers intend to focus on a mobile-first and user-centric design strategy to drive consumer preference for their payment products.

The launch of the ZuperCoin will create a revolution in payment Solutions for the eCommerce industry

Global ecommerce market will be $1.951 Trillion by year end 2017

Original article and pictures take www.zupercoin.com site

среда, 27 декабря 2017 г.

The Logic Behind Why Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash Keep Heading Higher

The Logic Behind Why Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash Keep Heading Higher

What an incredible year 2017 was for cryptocurrencies. Having begun the year with a combined market cap of less than $18 billion, the aggregate value of all virtual currencies by year's end hit $613 billion, representing a better than 3,300% increase. Cryptocurrencies soared even more to begin 2018, hitting an all-time aggregate market cap high of $836 billion on Jan. 5, before losing a little bit of steam. These are essentially lifetime gains for investors that have been crammed into a span of just 52 to 53 weeks!

Yet, what's really interesting is that bitcoin (CCC: BTC-USD), the world's most valuable and popular cryptocurrency, wasn't a primary focus in 2017. Rather than investors flocking to bitcoin, the goal among digital currency investors became to find the next bitcoin. As a result, a number of burgeoning cryptocurrencies ran circles around bitcoin last year. In particular, Ethereum (CCC: ETH-USD), Ripple (CCC: XRP-USD), Litecoin (CCC: LTC-USD), and Dash (CCC: DASH-USD) were veritably unstoppable, with respective gains of 9,383%, 36,564%, 5,260%, and 9,282%!

You're giving these crypto catalysts too much credit

How on Earth do virtual coins that have gained 5,000%, 10,000%, or possibly more, keep heading higher? What I can say with some certainty is that it's not entirely due to the emergence of blockchain technology, as much as Wall Street would like to believe so. Blockchain is the digital, distributed, and decentralized ledger tethered to virtual coins that's responsible for recording all transactions without the need for a financial intermediary, such as a bank.

Unquestionably, blockchain does offer a number of potential advantages if financial service companies deploy the technology in place of the current payment networks. As a decentralized network, blockchain ensures that cybercriminals would never be able to gain hold of enough data to cripple a cryptocurrency, and that no single entity would ever control a majority stake.

Furthermore, since transactions are being verified 24 hours a day, seven days a week, blockchain-processed transactions may be verified within seconds, as opposed to waiting up to three to five days with cross-border payments. Additionally, not having a middleman involved means potentially lower transaction costs.

Other catalysts, such as bitcoin being accepted as legal tender in Japan, select investors choosing bitcoin as a store of value over gold, and a weaker U.S. dollar, have possibly played a role in pushing cryptocurrency prices higher, but they're not the primary source of higher market caps.

The logic behind higher cryptocurrency valuations

If you want to truly understand why cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash have pushed higher, then you need to familiarize yourself with the logic behind the cryptocurrency market.

With the exception of bitcoin, cryptocurrency investors have but two choices to make: Do I buy, or do I sell what I own? That's it. There are no options contracts to choose from and no futures to consider, unless you trade futures contracts on bitcoin offered by CME Group or CBOE Global Markets. There's also no ability to short-sell a cryptocurrency. The path to prosperity is very narrow when it comes to virtual currencies. If they go up, everyone makes money. If they go down, no one makes money. That logic leads to one natural conclusion: everyone buys.

Three factors responsible for pushing cryptocurrencies lower

There are really only three ways cryptocurrencies can be pushed to the downside since the incentive is to buy.

First, we have stop-loss exacerbated profit taking. Investors who fear losing too much of their principal might choose to set a stop-loss order at, say, 10% or 20% below the current price of a virtual currency. As some investors sell and lock in gains, pushing cryptocurrency prices lower in the process, those stop-loss orders can hit, triggering a cascade move lower in a quick amount of time. A majority of the moves lower that I've witnessed in cryptos likely fall along these lines, because they typically lead to a quick rebound in price.

Second, news-driven events can push cryptocurrencies lower, which again can trigger stop-loss orders and create a rapid downside move. For instance, rumors that South Korea might shudder domestic cryptocurrency exchanges sent shockwaves throughout the market a few days ago. Considering how much cryptocurrency trading volume originates from South Korea, such a move would be a blow to the entire crypto market. Still, news-driven events typically don't last long enough to do permanent damage to digital currency valuations.

The third and final factor that can push prices lower is investor emotions. If the emotional tide of retail investors completely shifts, then, and only then, can we get any real extended downside in cryptocurrencies. Without a "fair" market that allows skeptics to place downside bets on cryptocurrencies, the only way digital currencies like Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash, are going to see any extended downside, apart from short-term moves lower from news-driven events and stop-loss-based profit-taking, is through a shift in emotions from retail investors.

History suggests significant downside is very likely

How do investors' emotions shift? Truth be told, no one knows the answer to this, which is why it's impossible to predict if and when the cryptocurrency bubble is going to burst.

However, history would suggest that a bubble burst is coming at some point. We know this because retail investors have a long, long history of overestimating the impact and adoption of new technology. If we look at 3D printing, human genome decoding, internet business-to-business commerce, and pretty much any other supposedly game-changing advancement over the past couple of decades, a valuation bubble was created by investors who expected an immediate adoption and use of these technologies, which often times never materialized for years or decades. The emergence of blockchain will probably lead to a similar bubble, with few businesses testing it out on anything more than a small-scale basis at the moment.

If the cryptocurrency bubble is to burst, and valuations move to the downside in an extended fashion, retail investors' emotions have to be crushed. Until that happens, slowing down Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dash could prove difficult.

Bitcoin is overhyped: 10 better buys for you now

When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and investing directly in Bitcoin was noticeably absent from their recommendations! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are better buys.

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Sean Williams has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Cboe Global Markets and CME Group. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Original article and pictures take global.fncstatic.com site

вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.

The Future of Ethereum Classic

The Future of Ethereum Classic
TheMerkle Ethereum Classic Price Pump

Coinmama: Buy Bitcoins with Credit Card

The younger brother of Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, seems to have been somewhat neglected over the past 4 months as most people have been focused on the main Ethereum network and there were not many reasons to look for alternatives. As a result, the price of Ethereum Classic (ETC) on Bitcoin markets has been decreasing continuously and currently sits at around 0.002 BTC, which is the lowest value since April 2017. It is true that ETC appreciated more than 20-fold against USD in the last year, but honestly, which cryptos did not appreciate against fiat money?

At first look, ETC’s situation does not seem to be very promising. However, further analysis might bring us to an opposite conclusion. First of all, let’s take a look at Ethereum (ETH), which is starting to have difficulties to process the ever-growing number of transactions. An interesting occurrence came after the game CryptoKitties, which runs on the Ethereum network and allows users to trade their kitties for Ether, became popular. A recent article on the BBC stated:

According to ETH Gas Station, the CryptoKitties game accounts for over 10% of network traffic on Ethereum. As traffic increases, transactions become more expensive to execute quickly. “The real big issue is other major players looking for alternatives to Ethereum and moving to different systems.” Mr. Hileman says”

Since there are many similar games in development, we can expect Ethereum to get flooded with transactions soon, not even counting the increasing number of business users. This being said, the search for reasonable alternatives seems inevitable. What is the alternative going to be? Well, you probably guessed. Ethereum Classic has near enough the same functionality as Ethereum, so it is obviously the first candidate. If businesses and users start leaving Ethereum for Ethereum Classic, an according part of their funds will go with them. And since ETC now reaches only 3% of the value of ETH, even if only 10% of the funds are transferred, it will be a huge boost for ETC.

Another good sign can be seen from the ETC/BTC price chart, from which it is clear that the bearish trend lost its power and the price saturated at the current level of about 0.002 BTC, where it probably found its bottom. This is also relatively close to the all-time low of about 0.001 BTC, so it is reaching a very strong support level as very few people are willing to sell this low. Will we see a reversal of the trend?

As always, it is difficult to make any predictions. However, it seems quite likely that Ethereum Classic will profit significantly from the upcoming problems of its big brother.

This is a sponsored press release and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views held by any employees of The Merkle. This is not investment, trading, or gambling advice. Always conduct your own independent research.

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Original article and pictures take decentral.market site

The Ethereum Scam Database helps you avoid cryptocurrency scammers

The Ethereum Scam Database helps you avoid cryptocurrency scammers
phishing, scam, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum

The exponential growth the cryptocurrency and blockchain markets are currently experiencing has made the space a breeding ground for all sorts of hacks, malicious activities, and phishing traps. But there is a nifty tool that can help you steer clear of this sort of trouble.

The Ethereum Scam Database (EtherscamDB) is a handy website that collects crowdsourced information about heaps of online scams in order to guide rookie cryptocurrency enthusiasts away from falling victim to malicious actors, seeking to snatch their precious coins and empty their wallets.

Since its launch last year, the website has registered a total of 2,614 potentially fraudulent pages, linking them back to 223 different addresses (used by purported scammers to store stolen funds). Fortunately though, most of these have already been resolved.

For context, EtherscamDB indicates that only 253 of all potentially malicious pages registered are currently active.

What is especially helpful is that EtherscamDB conveniently displays the precise nature of the attack, the original URL where the scam was first noticed, as well as some additional information describing the precise attack vector in more detail.

In addition to that, the website also has a field dedicated to showing precisely which company/service the malicious link is targeting. This should make it easier to filter your search down exclusively to the services you use.

The only problem I’ve encountered using EtherscamDB is that it tends to struggle with server issues pretty often. In fact, the site went down as I was writing this post.

Still, it’s awfully handy for navigating the crypto-space right now, given that scams are growing more frequent of late

Two weeks ago, Google was flush with links pointing to malicious copycats of popular exchange desk, Binance. More recently, popular Ethereum wallet, MyEtherWallet (which is responsible for maintaining EtherscamDB), received a slew of complaints from users, reporting someone had stollen their funds. Then there are the almost daily reports of stolen funds from Redditors who unknowingly hand over their private keys to phishing scammers.

Meanwhile, anybody who happens to stumble upon new cryptocurrency scams ought to report such suspicious activity to EtherscamDB. You can use this link to do so.

Update: EtherscamDB went down again as I was writing the piece. We’ve contacted MyEtherWallet and will update this piece one they’ve sorted out the issues.

Update 2: MyEtherWallet has reached out to inform us that EtherscamDB is now back up and running.

Read next: On Apple emoji’s 10th anniversary, the intern who designed them tells all

Original article and pictures take cdn0.tnwcdn.com site

воскресенье, 24 декабря 2017 г.

The Ethereum Prize swims against the tide while other retreats of the best plays

The Ethereum Prize swims against the tide while other retreats of the best plays

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The price of the Ethereum managed to swim against the current Monday, posting a slight increase even if the wider markets – led by bitcoin and ripple – endured a moderate correction that appeared worse than what it really was.

Cryptocurrency market cap reaches eight percent "Hit" while CoinMarketCap excludes Korean data

The market capitalization of cryptocurrency had risen steadily during the first week of 2018 and had climbed to 830 billion dollars on Sunday. However, it took eight percent this morning, bringing the combined value of all cryptocurrencies to $ 755 billion.

Most of this movement occurred around 5:00 UTC, when the CoinMarketCap market has stopped taking South Korean trade data into account in its pricing algorithms since Korean trade tends to set prices for coins and tokens at large premiums (often 25% or more). although the current movement was, in many cases, much more discreet.

The price of bitcoins drops below $ 16,000

The price of bitcoin had spent the weekend on a bullish rise, and on Saturday, the flagship cryptocurrency increased by $ 17,252 on Bitfinex. This brought bitcoin to its highest level since December 21 and it seemed to indicate that it was ready to start claiming its dominant market share.

Today, however, the price of bitcoin has gone into a vertiginous drop, falling from about nine percent to a current value of $ 15,475 on Bitfinex. This translates into a market capitalization of $ 261.5 billion.

The Bitcoin Decline Happened While the South Media -Coreans reported that regulators were conducting an "intensive investigation" into bank accounts belonging to local cryptocurrency exchanges.

The Ethereum fights the price of the current

While bitcoin and other higher cryptocurrencies dropped, the price of the ethereum beat against the current to show a gain of two percent. That's not to say that the withdrawal did not strike a severe blow to ethereum. Earlier in the day, the price of the Ethereum had climbed to over $ 1,200 on Bitfinex to post a new historic high, but it has since dropped to $ 1,128.

Nevertheless, ethereum remains in Positive territory – at least as the time of writing – and its resilience allowed it to recover the second position in the ranking of ripple stock market capitalisations with a total valuation of just under 112 billions of dollars.

Ripple, meanwhile, saw its price drop from about eight percent on Bittrex to $ 2.53. Its overall price, however, shows a 21% drop on CoinMarketCap, mainly because the website has begun to exclude from its calculations South Korean spot prices – which are notoriously high due to local demand and price controls. capital -.

It is not known if it will be a permanent change or If the website has detected pricing anomalies in South Korean markets, the market capitalization of the current algorithm is valued at only $ 99.5 billion, making it the third place among cryptocurrencies.

The markets of Altcoin demonstrate the influence of South Korea

The absence of South Korean spot prices from the CoinMarketCap algorithm makes the market decline seem worse than it is, but most of the higher cryptocurrencies have experienced at least a slight decline against the US dollar.

According to data from CoinCodex – which continues to take into account the data South Korean prices in his calculations – the bitcoin cash price fell two percent to $ 2,684, and fifth cardano fell seven percent to $ 0.93.

The NEM fell by 1%, while the Litecoin and Star Star fell by 4% and $ 273 and $ 0.66 respectively.

The price of IOTA managed to run the water, which was enough to raise it to ninth place in the rankings, while TRON fell by four percent to complete the top 10.

Write to Josiah Wilmoth at josiah.wilmoth (at) ccn.com.

Image from Shutterstock.

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Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

пятница, 22 декабря 2017 г.

The Ethereum price reaches a new historic high at $ 1,410, the market moves from ripple to ether

The Ethereum price reaches a new historic high at $ 1,410, the market moves from ripple to ether

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Ethereum (Ether) consolidated its position as the second most valuable cryptocurrency market surpassing Ripple (XRP) by a staggering $ 60 billion over a five-day period.

The ether benefits from the fall of Ripple

Since January 4, the market value of Ripple has increased from $ 148 billion to $ 73 billion, nearly double in one week. On the contrary, the Ethereum stock market valuation jumped from $ 85 billion to $ 135 billion, registering yet another 15% increase today, on January 10th.

The recent surge in Ethereum prices can largely be attributed to the liquidation of XRP, which was probably triggered by market concerns over the sudden surge in Ripple's stock market valuation. . Ripple's harsh criticism by analysts such as Ryan Selkis, a contractor-in-residence at ConsenSys, could also have led to a decline in confidence in Ripple.

On December 29, Selkis noted that the majority of Ripple's partner banks do not actually use the Ripple network to process billions of dollars on a regular basis. Given that the volume of Ripple's transactions and its network of banks can only be two factors that can justify its market capitalization, the market interest for Ripple has decreased in the short term.

Selkis wrote:

"According to a source from one of the largest banks concerning XRP:" I do not know any bank that a) uses it, or b) would touch it. in any way because it is controlled by an SV company and 20% of all existing XRP were taken by the founders.

The product that Ripple offers to banks is simply a point-to-point messaging tool with smart cryptography underneath to make sure the transactions are atomic. The liquidity model used is the same as correspondent banking. "

In response to the New York Times 'Selkis and Nathaniel Poppers' criticism that banks do not use the Ripple network to settle large volumes of transactions, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse says firmly that Ripple's xRapid Platform for processing large-scale payments.

"In the last few months, I have spoken with banks and payment service providers as they plan to use xRapid (our XRP liquidity product) in a serious way. Here is a sample of what I heard:

  1. We calculated costs on our side and found that it was 100% more efficient than what we are currently doing.
  2. xRapid drivers have all gone perfectly.
  3. This is much more efficient than our process today. We would like to go ahead with xRapid today.
  4. This [XRP] is a much more efficient way of sending money across borders than what we usually use today.
  5. There are many small and medium-sized banks that are hard hit by fees. They would jump at the opportunity to send money directly and bypass these fees. "

Yet, regardless of Garlinghouse's statement, Ripple's value dropped drastically over the past week and as a result, Ethereum benefited from XRP's changing interest in rest of the cryptocurrency market.

Ethereum's market capitalization may be justified

Ethereum remains one of the few blockchain networks to have a justified market valuation. Ethereum-based distributed applications such as CryptoKitties, 0x, EtherDelta, Status and OmiseGo have obtained a significant base of actual users who process hundreds of thousands of transactions daily.

In the short term, it is likely that the upward trend in Ether prices will continue, as decentralized applications on the network are working well.

Image from Shutterstock to photo

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Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

четверг, 21 декабря 2017 г.

The Ethereum price continues to grow while other pieces are sold See Correction induced by CMC

The Ethereum price continues to grow while other pieces are sold See Correction induced by CMC

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The price of the ethereum rose 6% Tuesday, surpassing the $ 1,200 mark and bringing its market share to almost 16%. Meanwhile, other cryptocurrencies have seen their markets deteriorate after a data point adjustment on the CoinMarketCap market statistics website appears to have induced an artificial correction.

The cryptocurrency market cap quickly falls below $ 700 billion

Cryptocurrency market capitalization has begun to exceed $ 750 billion, a moderate decline from the previous day, but CoinMarketCap has decided to stop charging the average South Korean currencies world prices – in their pricing algorithm.

The website did a poor job of communication, which led most visitors to believe that cryptocurrency prices were falling, especially those – like the ripple – that are trading at Bithumb and other South Korean stock exchanges.

Source: CoinMarketCap

This apparent correction of the market seems to have induced a real one. After selling their assets, the market capitalization of the cryptocurrency plunged to $ 668.7 billion, resulting in a moderate recovery, bringing the cryptocurrency market capitalization to $ 740.8 billion. .

The Bitcoin price falls below another checkpoint

The price of bitcoin was near the front of the decline, down five percent to $ 14,489. The largest cryptocurrency has fallen by nearly $ 3,000 since it peaked at $ 17,252 over the weekend, reducing its market capitalization to $ 250.4 billion.

Bitcoin price chart 24 hours

Aside from adjusting the point of CoinMarketCap data, there was no clear explanation of the lowering of bitcoin prices, although it may come from a continuing unease about inspections as South Korean regulators currently operate in bank accounts owned by bitcoin national stock exchanges.

Ethereum Award Shows Isolated Advances Among Top 10 Cryptocurrency

The price of the ethereum swam against the current for the second consecutive day, posting a five percent advance even as bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies fell. At present, the price of the ethereum is $ 1,186 on Bitfinex, while its global average (now excluding Korea) is $ 1,217. Ethereum has a market capitalization of $ 117.9 billion, giving it a $ 26 billion benefit over the third wave.

24-Hour Ethereum Price Chart

The Altcoins suffer from the decline of the CMCs


CoinMarketCap's decision to stop factoring South Korean data into its pricing algorithms may have been an artificial change, but it seems to have led to a real decline in the markets altcoin.

Source: CoinMarketCap

The price of the ripple has fallen by almost 8 % Tuesday, falling to $ 2.28 Bittrex and $ 2.37 total, which brought the market capitalization of the UPS to $ 91.7 billion and placed it well behind the market. Ethereum in the fight for the silver podium.

Ripples Chart 24-Hour

The Bitcoin Cash Price Decreased by 2%, The cardano price fell seven percent to $ 0.87 .The NEM ranked sixth ranked down three percent, while the litecoin and stellar recorded losses of four percent for the day .

The IOTA price fell by seven percent, although the token managed to maintain a market capitalization of more than $ 10 billion – at least for the time being – and TRON posted a 12% decline – worst of 10 cryptocurrencies – to complete top 10.

Image from Shutterstock.

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Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

The Ethereum Code TRUFFA Recensioni

The Ethereum Code TRUFFA Recensioni

Prima di accedere a The Ethereum Code, ti consigliamo di leggere questa recensione Basato sul fare soldi reali di commercio. In questo modo si può capire meglio che cosa sia. Inoltre pubblicheremo tutti i miglioramenti corrispondenti di questa comunità e dettaglieremo ogni nuovo miglioramento in modo dettagliato ed esplicito. In TheEthereumCode creato da Jad Baker ha iniziato a beneficiare della educazione necessaria, in tal modo gli obiettivi di aggiudicazione. è una piattaforma di trading online di opzioni binarie che è stato progettato per effettuare operazioni che investono in modalità pilota automatico. Jad Baker è la creazione del software ed è anche la persona che guida la presentazione del prodotto durante il video promozionale. Vorremmo rivedere con attenzione ai parametri di funzionamento e le prestazioni della piattaforma, al fine di fornire ai nostri lettori tutte le informazioni rilevanti e importanti, essi devono essere consapevoli di. Lo scopo è per noi di definire se il Ethereum Code è un robot commerciale legittimo o meno.

Página Italia Web Oficial: TheEthereumCode.co

In TheEthereumCode Bot Italia sarai connesso in tempo reale con persone reali come te. Lontano da robot automatici o parole piene di promesse vuote. In qualsiasi momento puoi parlare con qualsiasi investitore di amministratore che desideri. Seguendo liberamente l’attività, copia le transazioni e persino imparare tutto ciò che è necessario e necessario per le tecniche o le strategie di negoziazione applicate in ciascun segnale. Oltre ad essere completamente liberi di collaborare, condividendo tutte le opinioni o le opinioni pubblicamente o privatamente.

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Contenuto “The Ethereum Code opinioni”

Leggi la nostra opinione su “The Ethereum Code opinioni”di Jad Baker per capire l’attività primaria di questo gruppo e perché questa comunità non è truffa.

Che cos’è The Ethereum Code?

TheEthereumCode è una cryptocurrency Ethereum opzioni di scambio binario, dove in primo luogo lo scopo è quello di investire socialmente, in modo efficiente e senza costi. Può essere scambiato sulla base di varie analisi di alcuni mercati grazie alle strategie e agli studi dei professionisti. Primo, dobbiamo dire che la nostra ricerca dimostra che Tegli The Ethereum Code è un sistema che ripetutamente analizza il mercato delle opportunità di profitto. Quando trova tale, pone immediatamente commerci reali sul conto dei suoi membri. Di conseguenza, il robot genera profitti significativi e tutti i numeri dichiarati sono stati confermati da loro e dai nostri test di trading, anche.

Leggi la seguente recensione per scoprire informazioni più interessanti e importanti, relative a prestazioni e le caratteristiche di negoziazione del TheEthereumCode.

Che cosa è The Ethereum Code?

Approfittando con il sistema è semplice e Ted perché ha solo tutti gli strumenti necessari per essere un partner commerciale di successo e potente. Il software è compresso con un algoritmo di negoziazione complessa che può individuare e identificare ogni singola opportunità di trading profittevole. Poi sfrutta posizionando un commercio vincente sul mercato. E la cosa migliore è che tutti i guadagni accumulati stanno andando al tuo account.

Quale data è stata fondata?

Unisciti al The Ethereum Code I membri di The Ethereum Code è un gruppo riservato esclusivamente agli iscritti che sfruttano gli incredibili profitti offerti dai Bitcoin e stanno accumulando un’enorme fortuna.

The Ethereum Code Members se ne stanno generalmente in vacanza perché possono fare i loro investimenti in pochi minuti utilizzando il loro portatile ovunque nel mondo.

Gli investitori o professionisti di questa immagine, negoziare e condividere idee o conoscenze attualmente in questa nuova piattaforma descritta. Che è molto più efficiente e professionale: TheEthereumCode.co


The Ethereum Code è basato su browser in modo che non sarà necessario installare e scaricare ulteriori file e pacchetti. È possibile eseguire il Code Sistema dal vostro browser e anche sul telefono, grazie alla versione mobile del software, che è accessibile da entrambi i dispositivi Android e iOS in theethereumcode.co

Cosa c’è di nuovo

Questo nuovo sistema proposto in The Ethereum Code Hai solo bisogno di registrarsi nel sistema, fornendo alcune informazioni su di te il modulo disponibile. Poi, si sarà trasferito a un servizio di broker di fiducia. Una volta che accade, vi verrà chiesto di inserire il deposito iniziale nel vostro conto di trading in modo da avere il diritto di commerciare altrimenti non si può fare perché non avrete quello per il commercio con. L’importo del deposito necessario può variare po ‘che non può essere superiore a $200 -$300 che è davvero accettabile.

Tutto dipende da voi, ma vi consigliamo i commercianti newbie per iniziare con i più piccoli investimenti e operatori esperti dovrebbe mettere in giro $500 per massimizzare i loro profitti.

Come registrarsi in TheEthereumCode con più di 750 investitori?

Caratteristiche differenziate

  • Analisi quotidiana del mercato azionario: fondamentali e tecnici da professionisti.
  • Nessun costo mensile o costi aggiuntivi e / o costi nascosti.
  • 100% comunità gratuita per la vita.
  • Investitori professionisti che emettono segnali su base giornaliera.
  • Segnali emessi dal lunedì al venerdì.
  • Notifiche sonore nell’emissione di qualsiasi segnale.
  • Piattaforma compatibile con tutti i meccanismi (computer, cellulari o tablet).
  • È necessaria una piattaforma efficace senza scarico.
  • Libertà di seguire l’investitore desiderato.
  • Supporto gratuito 24/7.
  • Sono disponibili messaggi privati tra gli utenti e gli amministratori dei commercianti.
  • Sale generali di discussione pre e post session.
  • Calendario economico.
  • Pubblicazione dei risultati giornalieri.

Come funziona la The Ethereum Code?

La piattaforma TheEthereumCode Prendendo in considerazione le recensioni positive e commenti relativi alle prestazioni di questo robot commerciale, siamo in grado di emettere un verdetto finale positivo. Il The Ethereum Code non è una truffa, ma le opzioni binarie legittime e redditizie piattaforma di trading online. Il sistema fornisce ai suoi utenti, ovviamente, con un gran numero di opportunità. Per non parlare del fatto il creatore, Sig. Jad Baker è un uomo con sfondo significativo e esperienza di trading invidiabile. Logicamente, egli è riuscito a creare un robot che funziona correttamente. Lo consigliamo a voi e siamo sicuri che vi porterà i profitti attesi su base regolare.

Come posso investire con theethereumcode.co? Ci sono quattro caratteristiche fondamentali spiegate e discusse di seguito.


Questa è la funzione principale di TheEthereumCode, che cerca di farti vivere l’attività commerciale svolta da alcuni commercianti esperti. Di conseguenza, saprà in dettaglio su quali attività e come questi professionisti stanno negoziando al minuto.

Da seguire

Ovviamente, come nella vostra vita quotidiana, sicuramente avrai alcune preferenze. In questo modo avrai maggiore preferenza su alcuni investitori o altri. Ciò mostrano un maggior interesse per ricevere segnali da parte di operatori economici che sono più adatti al loro stile o personalità o fondamentalmente da alcuni risultati raggiunti. Per questo motivo, sarai libero di seguire il commerciante o gli operatori del TheEthereumCode. Essere in grado di contattarlo in qualsiasi momento del giorno tramite messaggi privati ​​o alcune stanze.

Jad Baker Sito Web Ufficiale: theethereumcode.co

Il sistema fornisce tutti i suoi membri, con un affidabile e reattivo 24/7 disponibile il servizio di assistenza clienti. Essa vi guiderà ogni volta che avete qualsiasi domanda o problema. I canali di contatto è possibile utilizzare per entrare in contatto con il team di supporto sono di posta elettronica e la chat. Anche, anche i commercianti che non parlano inglese possono contare su questo servizio speciale.

Per imparare

Talvolta l’informazione è potere, e essere informati su ciò che altri operatori thebitcoincode.co stanno facendo ti darà informazioni preziose e uniche. Informazioni sullo stato di alcune attività, le tendenze verso l’alto o verso il basso, il supporto o la resistenza all’account e tutte le informazioni importanti sulle strategie di successo attuate dai professionisti di TheEthereumCode su determinati segnali.


Come potete beneficiare finanziariamente da TheEthereumCode? Il punteggio sorprendente percentuale di successo The Ethereum Code che parte dalla 95% e può andare a 98%. Tutto questo viene a dimostrare che gli operatori che utilizzano il robot può facilmente guadagnare tra $12,000 e $13,000 al giorno. La nostra esperienza ci dice che questo è uno dei sistemi più redditizi, disponibili sul mercato.

Testimonianze, opinioni e esperienze

Il nostro team di specialisti e operatori professionali è rimasto davvero sorpreso dalla esperienza di trading che abbiamo avuto con Il TheEthereumCode Funziona come le migliori piattaforme di trading binari fare, così abbiamo senza dubbio dichiariamo che è 100% legittimo, stabile e autentico.Se siete disposti a partecipare ad un successo, facile e redditizio business online, questo binario robot auto-trading dovrebbe essere l’offerta migliore per voi. Basta fare un tentativo e siamo sicuri che non ve ne pentirete.

Nonostante ciò, in questo parere di “The Ethereum Code Opinions” abbiamo deciso di includere diverse testimonianze secondo i risultati esposti in theethereumcodebewertung.com, opinioni degli utenti di The Ethereum Code.


TheEthereumCode software di trading è uno strumento di investimento vero e proprio che consente di accedere alle varie opportunità redditizie. E ‘free-of-charge e lavora con i broker affidabili. Con TheEthereumCode si ottiene uno spazio di scambio sicuro e protetto è possibile utilizzare per generare profitti online. Con la verifica 98% tasso di successo, si sarebbe in grado di ottenere risultati soddisfacenti, non solo, ma anche coerenti.

Come registrarsi

Come partecipare a theethereumcode.co? thebitcoincode è completamente libero di carica. Potrai acquisire una licenza per l’uso illimitato una volta che si compila il modulo di registrazione, fornito sul sito ufficiale del software, membri. Clicca qui

Come registrarsi a TheEthereumCode?

Passaggi a theethereumcode.co: Clicca qui.

Conclusioni The Ethereum Code Recensione

È Jad Baker The Ethereum Code Truffa? Speriamo che siamo riusciti a risolvere i tuoi dubbi sul fatto che TheEthereumCode sia una menzogna o una verità e non è un truffa. In conclusione, è un nuovo sistema operativo, una rivoluzione nel mondo del commercio dove prevalgono quattro caratteristiche primarie:

  • Migliore Bitcoin Trading.
  • Trasparenza.
  • Assenza di costi.
  • L’autodeterminazione.

Sito web: theethereumcode.co

Iscriviti alla TheEthereumCode! Accedi


Original article and pictures take www.moarcoins.com site

The Ethereum blockchain now processes about as much USD value as all other blockchains combined, including Bitcoin.

The Ethereum blockchain now processes about as much USD value as all other blockchains combined, including Bitcoin.

Hey u/Simius I'll try to answer your questions with three things that Ethereum does different than Bitcoin and affect scalability:

  • Higher block frequency: Ethereum creates a block every 15 secs. Bitcoin every 10 minutes. Mind you, an ETH block much smaller in data than a BTC block;

  • Block size: Ethereum block are, in relative terms, bigger block size + size is adjustable. How is block size adjusted? With the has gas system. Each transactions spends an amount of gas, according to the complexity of the operations is registering (creation/interaction with smart contracts are more costly than standard transfers, and more complex contracts more than simpler). Each block has a "gas limit", that is the maximum amount of gas they can fit. Miners set this gas limit, which determines the number of transactions each block will eventually confirm. Gas limit is probably the single most important factor in scalability (in number of transactions processed and their cost). Right now the gas limit is about 8 million units. One standard transaction is 21000 gas units. So you can fit a max of 380 standard transaction every 15 seconds. That's a total of around 2M standard transactions/day at the current gas limit. But there are a lot of smart contract interactions right now (and it will be more), so the standard size/transaction is bigger. We can say that with 1.2M transactions/day we've reached the max limit if we don't adjust the gas limit. This could be adjusted if you need more capacity, yet a bigger gas limit means more uncles, for a bigger block takes longer to spread through the network because it has more data. Which brings me to the third point.

  • Management (including rewards) of uncles (in bitcoin terminology orphans). Uncles are blocks that are mined but eventually don't make part of the final blockchain. This blocks receive computation by miners (= cost), so more uncles created higher costs for the miners. A regular mined block (which is included in the chain) receives a reward (now around 3 ETH), in bitcoin this is the only reward per block miners get, in ethereum uncles also receive reward, which incentivizes miners to extend further the processing of transactions, for they have less cost/uncle(orphan). Why are more uncles created when there is higher gas limit? Because if a block has more gas in it, meaning more transactions and more data, it takes longer to propagate through the network, because it has to be registered by all the nodes for confirmation, in the meantime (until confirmation) uncles can be created, increasing their probability. So bigger gas limits, higher probability of uncles, and thus higher probability of emerging costs for miners.

If you're interested further, you can find a lot of information on google on these topics: block time, block size, gas limit, uncles.

There's a variety of information and ongoing research into the topic of scaling with security and decentralization you can read about here https://ethresear.ch

It includes Casper PoS, Sharding, Parallel execution, Plasma and more. What works in practice remains to be seen.

Original article and pictures take www.redditstatic.com site

понедельник, 18 декабря 2017 г.

The easiest way to understand Ethereum (for 5-Years-Olds)

The easiest way to understand Ethereum (for 5-Years-Olds)

Many people heard about Bitcoin and that isn’t surprising — it was a first cryptocurrency and till now it stays most popular and biggest. The Bitcoin success inspired many people and that’s why during last couple of years more than 1000 altcoins were created.

Without any doubt Bitcoin is the number one today. But do you know what’s the second cryptocurrency? Ethereum. When we speak about cryprocurrency ranking, we mean its Market Capitalization, in other words, the total price of all the coins (in dollars for example).

TOP-5 Cryptocurrencies Market Capitalization and Prices. Source: https://livemarketcap.com

As you can see, Ethereum takes the lead over other altcoins by a huge margin and almost left behind Bitcoin in June 2017. In this article I’m going to explain the reasons why Ethereum is so popular and why the most of ICO use it.

As a data source for this article I decided to use LiveMarketCap.com. It provides a live ranking of all the active cryptocurrencies. You can read more about this platform and discover other great cryptocurrency services in my previous article.

The Idea Behind Ethereum

Ethereum launched recently, on 30 July 2015. One of its creators was Vitalik Buterin. He was born in Russia but moved to Canada at the age of 6. He was 19 when he proposed to community the ideas behind Ethereum.

Bitcoin is quite simple and easy to understand from the point of view of a normal user. There are wallets, anyone can send money from one wallet to another one or to many at once. The network is quite sophisticated and it allows to avoid any centralized server but it solves classic problems. Just a typical payment system: people, money, wallets, transactions and so on.

That’s clear. So what’s the Ethereum’s idea?

Now we can do one more step and create a new payment system which allows to anyone to create algorithms for wallets. Those algorithms can receive money, decide how much and to whom send money etc. With one important condition: the algorithms are transparent, predictable and no one can change it.

So, Ethereum developers added the possibility to create such algorithms. All the wallets in Ethereum divided into 2 types: operated by a human and operated by an algorithm.

Algorithms in Ethereum — they are called Smart Contracts — stored in the Blockchain. They are registered there forever and any participant of the network has its own copy because everyone has its own copy of the Blockchain. Thus, the result of an execution of a Smart Contract is identical for everyone.

As you can see, this invention extended the standard application of cryprocurrencies.

Smart Contract Examples

Which kind of algorithms we can write? For example, a financial pyramid. To do that, we can create a Smart Contract with following rules:

1. If we received an amount X from a wallet A, save this value in a debt table.

2. If after that we received an amount Y > 2*X, send 2*X to the wallet A, save this debt for the wallet B.

3. Etc for each participant.

4. An option: send 5% of each transaction to the author of the Smart Contract.

Another example? Ok, let’s create an auction:

1. If the auction is not finished, save participants wallet addresses amounts of bids

2. When the auction is finished, choose the maximum bid and send back all other bids.

There are plenty other applications: wallets with multiple owners, financial tools, bets, pools, lotteries, games, gambling etc.

Keep in mind the advantage: this is a Blockchain — it means everyone is sure there is no cheating, everyone can access to the algorithm code and ensure it works like expected. Smart Contract is not a human: if there is no bugs, it can’t go away with all the money, can’t go bankrupt etc.

Smart Contracts Limitations

With all those advantages, is there any limitations?

Actually, yes and here are few of them:

1. In a Smart Contract it’s hard to get a random values and other indeterminate behaviors. In some lotteries most advanced participants can “guess” the jackpot.

2. It’s not evident how to “hide” some information. For example, the list of participants and bids during an auction.

3. If a Smart Contract needs some information missing in the Blockchain (latest exchange rate of a currency for instance), some trusted source must provide it.

4. To use a Smart Contract, every participant must have Ether — a virtual internal currency. It means you can’t run a poll for participants who don’t have Ethereum wallets with Ether.

5. Smart Contracts are relatively slow. In the entire system only 3–5 transactions can be executed per second.

6. Usually Smart Contracts execute a very limited set of simple actions because every miner in the network must repeat those actions and verify the result.

7. If a Smart Contract has bugs, it’s forever. There is only one way to fix it: migrate to another Smart Contract. But it’s possible only if in the current Smart Contract there is a possibility to withdraw all the money and send to a new one. Most of beginner developers don’t think about this possibility.

In other words, like in any other domain, everything depends on a professionalism of a Smart Contract author.

Main Usage of Smart Contracts

Recently Ethereum found a new niche: ICO — Initial Coin Offering. On 1 January 2017 1 Ether costs about $8 and its peak it achieved in July 2017: $400 per 1 coin. The reason is lots of new ICOs. The willing to invest Ether in a project stimulates the demand and increases the price as a consequence.

Here are typical steps of a crypto startup:

1. You have an idea. Typically it’s related to cryptocurrencies and/or Blockchain.

2. You need money to develop and launch it.

3. You announce you accept Ether and give tokens using a Smart Contract.

4. You promote your project and raise the money you need.

How much a typical ICO can raise?

An average amount is around $10–20 millions and it’s often achieved in few days or even minutes. Normally, ICO is limited by time or total amount and it warms up the interest.

Sometimes the situation becomes comical. During one ICO, $35 millions were raised in 24 seconds. During another one, the participants were ready to pay a huge transaction fees of few thousand dollars per transaction to be placed higher in the queue. Huge demand and low channel capacity push people to increase transaction fees in order to participate on an ICO.

By September-October 2017 different ICO raised about $1.8 billions.

Still interested? Probably my recent article explaining some main rules and traps for beginners will be helpful. Remember, an ICO is an extremely high-risk investment. Please think twice before investing.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it , please support by clapping ������ and sharing the post. Feel free tp leave a comment below ��.

Dan Podolan is a blockchain developer and investor.

He is the CEO of LiveMarketCap.com. It provides live ranking of all the active cryptocurrencies and includes latest cryptocurrency news, market prices, charts and analysis.

Original article and pictures take cdn-images-1.medium.com site

The Definitive History of Bitcoin

The Definitive History of Bitcoin

In 2008, the aftermath of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis created the perfect storm for the emergence of Bitcoin. This is the definitive history of the famous crypto-currency.

Original article and pictures take 2oqz471sa19h3vbwa53m33yj.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com site

пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

The Cryptocurrency Boom is Here, Don’t Miss Out! Get Started on Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin

The Cryptocurrency Boom is Here, Don’t Miss Out! Get Started on Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin

The Cryptocurrency Boom is Here, Don’t Miss Out! Get started on Coinbase, Binance, KuCoin, Coss – How to Trade Cryptocurrencies

how to trade cryptocurrencies

Remember Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street? Remember the penny stocks he made a fortune off of? This is that situation times a thousand. Yes, there are risks, many of them huge, but the potential return of 10x or 100x makes it worth all the risk. But of course, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose.

So how do you get into cryptocurrency trading? The first step is turning your hard earn fiat (cash) into the currency of your choosing via Coinbase. On Coinbase you can purchase Bitcoin BTC (avoid it because of the fees), Bitcoin Cash BCH, Ethereum ETH (lower fees but still high), and Litecoin LTC (cheapest in fees).

You can:

1) Buy the coins via direct bank transfer (about 10 days)

2) Transfer money to your Coinbase USD wallet, then buy immediately (about 7 days)

3) Buy via debit card immediately (fastest)

In this market like all others, it’s about timing. I got stuck waiting 10 days the first time, then 7 days the second time; the fees are high for debit card transactions but if you invest in the right coins you can make plenty to cover them.

Once you have purchased the currency of your choosing, sign up on one of these exchanges to start trading your new cryptocurrencies, just as you would with stocks or forex. Here are some of the biggest Cryptocurrency exchanges you can buy the majority of available alt coins on:

You’ll need to send your coins to these new accounts to start trading alt coins. To do so, click “Accounts” on the Coinbase menu, and then “Send” on the respective currency. On Binance, KuCoin, or Coss, go to “Deposits/Withdrawals” and look through the list to find the coin you’re trying to receive. Once you find it, click the “Deposit” link, and you will be given the address (e.g. ETH address) for deposits. Copy this address and paste it into the Coinbase “Send” form. Don’t mess this part up, if you put the wrong address in, your coins will be sent to god knows where, and you will have learned your first hard lesson in crypto trading. Once the coins transfer, you’ll be able to buy the altcoins of your choosing.

As of now the two primary markets to trade all other altcoins for use Bitcoin and Ethereum, so make sure to sell your Litecoin for Ethereum so you can buy the other coins you’re looking for. Some cryptocurrencies to check out include:

  • NEO
  • XRP (Ripple)
  • LINK (Chainlink)
  • REQ (Request Network)
  • XLM (Stellar)
  • BNB (Binance)
  • KCS (KuCoin Shares)
  • COSS

  • Miss New York Wins the 2015 Miss America Pageant – Kira Kazantsev
    Miss New York Wins the 2015 Miss America Pageant…

Original article and pictures take trendingcurrentevents.com site

четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

The Bull And The Bear Case For Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin And Other Cryptocurrencies

The Bull And The Bear Case For Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin And Other Cryptocurrencies

There have been better days and worse days for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The better days were back in November and December when a “virtuous” rotation helped spread the rally from Bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies. This means that funds cashed out from one currency were invested in other currencies.

That’s a bullish "technical" sign for cryptocurrencies, as it keeps the momentum for the sector alive.

[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment. Disclosure: I don't own any cryptocoins or tokens.]

The worse days were early this week when the sell-off in major cryptocurrencies spread across the entire sector. This means that money cashed out from one cryptocurrency didn’t flow to other cryptocurrencies, but moved to cash or to other investments.

And that’s a bearish sign for cryptocurrencies, as it undermines the momentum for the sector.

Apparently, momentum is changing very fast in cryptocurrencies, much faster than in other asset classes.

That’s why technical analysis alone may not be a reliable indicator for trying to guess the direction of the cryptocurrency markets.

What about fundamental analysis?

Original article and pictures take arabhardware.net site

The Best Pools To Mine Ethereum 2018

The Best Pools To Mine Ethereum 2018
The Best Pools To Mine Ethereum 2017

The mining of Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies will continue to be profitable for a long time, and it is likely that after having solved the first challenges (hardware selection, equipment assembly, etc.) you will ask what is the next step. If you have decided to mine this cryptocurrency and have the necessary equipment, the next thing to do is join an Ethereum mining group (or mining pool ).

The mining pools are simply groups of miners who work together to extract Ethereum. Joining a group helps reduce the volatility of rewards by providing smaller and more frequent payments instead of a lump sum you only receive when a block is resolved.

Joining a mining group of Ethereum and combining your resources with other miners will help you see the results faster and get a faster return on your investment.

When choosing a mining group, it is important to join one with low rates that provide reliable returns. You should also consider the location of the cluster server when you decide which is best for you. To obtain the best results, you must choose a server that is close to your geographical location. This will reduce the latency times and improve the mining performance of the equipment.

In this article, we highlight the best Ethereum mining groups at the moment so you can decide with certainty which one to join.

If you decide to join a group, then it is important to choose the right group that meets your mining expectations, as well as understand the different payment methods and how they will affect your earnings.

Without going too deep into the technical aspect, the reward system used by a mining group is divided into two basic methods: PPLNS and PPS.

1. PPS means payment per share (Pay Per Share). This means that each Share that mines has a specific value for the Ethereum mining network and that is what they pay you during the distribution of the group. If you mine intermittently for a certain period of time, this is the type of payment you want.

2. PPLNS means payment for the last n shares (Pay Per Last N Shares).This is more a variable number based on the luck of the group. Therefore, if the group is lucky and extracts more blocks in a certain period, you will get a higher payment. Of course, if the mining group has bad luck, you will get a smaller profit. If you are running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and do not log out frequently, you will get approximately 4% more ETH using PPLNS compared to PPS for Ethereum extraction.

Other factors that you should consider when choosing a mining pool are the following:

Reasonable Minimum Payment: This is especially important if you only have one mining platform, since you do not want your payment to potentially take a week or more to reach your account. The majority of the Ethereum mining groups pay when the extracted amount accumulates until reaching 0.05 – 0.2 ETH.

Reduced mining rates: most pools charge mining fees of 1-2% for their services. Something more than that, and basically you will be giving away your winnings.

Currently (November 2017) the two best mining groups of Ethereum are: Ethpool(http://ethpool.org) and Ethermine (https://ethermine.org). Together they have more than 27% of the hashrate of the network.

The two share an underlying group, but have different payment methods. Ethermine uses the PPLNS payment base ( Pay Per Last N Shares ) while Ethpool is a mining group that uses the PPS ( Pay Per Share ) payment method . Ethermine has more than 200,000 active workers and processes approximately 32 blocks per hour, while Ethpool has around 12,500 active workers and processes approximately 5 blocks per hour.

Ethpool is a predictive solitary mining group ( predictable only mining pool ) where 100% of the income is paid to the miner who contributed most of the work. By using Ethpool you get the advantages of mining combined with a solitary mining payment scheme.

Ethpool offers miners the opportunity to mine Ethereum anonymously and offers full support to users, including those using the Stratum protocol. The site also includes online mining statistics that can help you estimate your earnings. In addition, it offers real-time tracking and email notifications of the found blocks.

Ethpool has around 12,500 active workers and processes approximately 5 blocks per hour. The group rate is currently 1%.

Ethermine works on the PPLNS payment scheme (Pay Per Last N Shares), which includes a luck factor in the payment calculation, and favors loyal users, compared to those who jump from one pool to another.

As with Ethpool, complete Stratum support is available and payments are made instantly with a minimum threshold of only one ether. The cost per group participation is also 1%.

Reports and email tracking are available in Ethermine, as well as notifications of invalid shares and detailed statistics by worker as well as global statistics. Ethermine has more than 200,000 active workers and processes around 35 blocks per hour.

Also known as Discus Fish (https://www.f2pool.com/), F2pool has been up and running since 2013 and contributes approximately 24% of the hashrate of the network. Payments are also made through the PPS method and are made daily. The site is predominantly Chinese, but has an interface in English and has servers throughout Asia to ensure security and redundancy.

F2pool also offers statistical reports and activity monitoring via email.

Next on our list is Nanopool (https://nanopool.org). Currently, Nanopool has 40,000 Ethereum miners and represents 15% of the hashrate. Nanopool uses the PPLNS method to calculate payments in the same way as Ethermine. Payments are made several times during the day. Nanopool has servers in Asia, Europe and America.

The default minimum payment threshold with Nanopool is 0.2 ETH, but you can increase or decrease the minimum in your configuration.

Nanopool also offers miners the option to extract in Ethereum Classic, which is a division of the traditional Ethereum coin.

Miningpoolhub (https://miningpoolhub.com) currently generates approximately 7.6% of the hashrate activity in the network. The calculation of the reward is based on a transaction fee, a block search rate, and rewards and incentives for incomplete blocks ( uncles ).

Miningpoolhub also has servers in more than one continent (USA, Europe and Asia) that guarantee a redundant environment.

The last of our best Ethereum groups is Dwarfpool (https://dwarfpool.com). Dwarfpool uses a RBPPS payment method ( round based pay per share ), which is based on the PPS method. Automatic payments are made every hour and guarantee a 100% uptime due to its distributed infrastructure. Dwarfpool constitutes approximately 13% of the hashrate of the network.

Original article and pictures take digitalbodha.com site

среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

The Best Laptop Advice You Will Read

The Best Laptop Advice You Will Read

There are a lot of reasons that people chose to use laptop computers. Laptops can be used for school, work, or just for having fun in your spare time. There are some basic things to keep in mind when shopping for a laptop. Read this article to learn more.

Consider the weight of the laptop. A laptop may not seem heavy at first, but carrying it around all day can be taxing. If you are very mobile, and use your laptop in many different places, go with a lighter model. Lighter laptops do not have to be more expensive. You may sacrifice battery life, though.

Investing in a cooling pad for your laptop will extend its life by keeping it from overheating. Overheating is a frequent culprit behind laptop failures. You can buy a cooling pad for your laptop for under 20 dollars, an inexpensive investment that can keep your laptop functioning longer.

Try to get more RAM before you buy it. You may not need added space and memory at the moment, but you never know what you might need later. Then you will see how important upgrading can be. Think about this before you finally decide and make your purchase.

If you are looking for a new laptop, consider both a Mac and Windows options. Windows is generally more affordable; however, many people like Mac best. Check both out in a bricks and mortar store. Read consumer reviews before making your final decision.

The LCD display is what drains the battery more than anything. Dimming the display brightness is the easiest way to conserve battery power. Dimming your laptop can help the battery last longer.

When it comes to your laptop, is security very important to you? Luckily, there are some different security options available when it comes to laptop computers. You can even get one with fingerprint or face recognition. Then your laptop will only be accessible by you.

When making an expensive purchase like a laptop, consider buying the extended warranty. Computer repair is not something that usually comes cheap, and of course having to purchase another one is even more money. Extended warranties can be expensive, but you may end up saving money in the long run.

A key component to your laptop is the graphics chip. Integrated graphics chips are fine for performing basic laptop functions. If you enjoy watching videos, gaming, and movies, you need a graphics chips that’s dedicated to high performance. Laptops built specifically for gamers normally have the highest performing graphic chips available.

Test you laptop out thoroughly during the first month you have it. Most computers only have 30 days to get returned. Test out all the capabilities to see if they work well. This will help you make sure it all works.

As you can now see, there is much to learn about laptops. Computers aren’t all the same and you should be educated before making your next purchase. Use what you learned in this article to help you find the best laptop for your needs.

Original article and pictures take net-zone.us site

вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

The Best Hardware for Ethereum Mining 2018

The Best Hardware for Ethereum Mining 2018
The Best Hardware for Ethereum Mining 2017

The cryptocurrencies that can be efficiently mined with this list of hardware are:

Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Monero (XMR), PascalCoin (PASC), Decred (DCR), Expanse (EXP), Lbry Credits (LBC), Siacoin (SC), Komodo (KMD), Ubiq (UBQ) ), Karbowanec (KRB), Bipcoin (BIP).

  • Video cards
  • Motherboards
  • CPUs
  • Mining Rig
  • USB Risers

To get the best mining performance with this GPU, you will have to modify the BIOS. In the configuration of values ​​you can mine with a hashrate of 22.xx Mh / s in Ethereum, but with a modified BIOS you can reach up to 29.xxx – 31 Mh / s depending on what type of memory your card has, Samsung, Hynix O Elpida!

  • 1143 MHz Engine Clock; 1260 MHz boost Engine Clock
  • 1750 MHz, 7000Mbps effective Memory Clock
  • Ethereum: 22Mh / s – 31Mh / s
  • Ethereum Classic: 22Mh / s – 31Mh / s
  • ZCash: 300H / s – 400H / s
  • Monero: 650 H / s – 850 H / s

The same modification must be made for this card to obtain a better mining performance, you will have to modify the BIOS. In the value configurations you can mine with a hashrate of 24.xx Mh / s (+2) in Ethereum, but with a modified BIOS you can reach up to 29.xxx – 31 Mh / s depending on the type of memory your card has. It’s usually just Samsung.

  • 1121 MHz Engine Clock; 1260 MHz boost Engine Clock
  • 2000 MHz, 8000Mbps effective Memory Clock
  • Ethereum: 22Mh / s – 31Mh / s
  • Ethereum Classic: 22Mh / s – 31Mh / s
  • ZCash: 300H / s – 400H / s
  • Monero: 650 H / s – 850 H / s
  • check bottom for more details

AMD Radeon RX 570/580 Series

  • GPU / memo clock: 1130/2050
  • Ethereum: stock 24 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 29-29.5Mh / s (Hynix)

  • GPU / memo clock: 1140/2050
  • Ethereum: stock 22.2 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 28Mh / s – 30Mh / s

  • GPU / memo clock: 1150/2000
  • Ethereum: stock 22.2 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 27.3 MH / s; 28.5 Mh / s (still good for improvements)
  • Power Usage: 105W / GPU-z shows 75-80W

  • GPU / memo clock: 1100/1910 (Elpida)
  • Ethereum: stock 22.4 Mh / s; bios mod + oc 30.5 Mh / s (dual)
  • Power Usage: 130w (power may be higher)

  • GPU / memo clock: 1150/2250
  • Ethereum: stock 22.5 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 30 – 31.6 Mh / s
  • Power Usage: 130w

  • GPU / memo clock: 1130/2150
  • Ethereum: stock 24 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 30 Mh / s ETH – 870 Mh / s DCR
  • Power Usage: 130w – 150w

  • GPU / memo clock: 1130/2150
  • Ethereum: stock 24.5 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 30Mh / s
  • Power Usage: 110w

  • GPU / memo clock: 1130/2150
  • Ethereum: stock 24.5 Mh / s; modded bios + oc 29Mh / s – 30.7 Mh / s

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060/1070/1080 Series

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 17-22mh / s, ZCash 300-350, Monero 400-425

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 17-22mh / s, ZCash 300-350, Monero 400-425

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 17-22mh / s, ZCash 300-350, Monero 400-425

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 17-22mh / s, ZCash 300-350, Monero 400-425

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 400-450, Monero 420-475

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 400-450, Monero 420-475

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 400-450, Monero 420-475

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 400-450, Monero 420-475

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 400-450, Monero 420-475

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 640-70, Monero 480-530

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 640-70, Monero 480-530

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 640-70, Monero 480-530

  • Hashrate: Ethereum 25-30mh / s, ZCash 640-70, Monero 480-530

The best Intel and AMD motherboards with 6 and 7 slots for GPU

  • Chipset: Intel H81
  • CPU Socket: 1150 (4th generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Xeon / Pentium / Celeron in LGA1150 Package)
  • Memory: Dual Channel DDR3 / DD3L Memory Technology
  • 32Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with multilingual GUI support
  • CPU, DRAM, PCH 1.05V Voltage multi-adjustment Graphics
  • PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb / s
  • 5 x PCI-Express x1
  • 1 x PCI Express x16

  • Chipset: Intel B250
  • CPU Socket: Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron (LGA1151)
  • Memory: DDR4 2400/2133/1866
  • 6 PCI Express slots mining motherboard
  • 5 x PCI-Express x1
  • 1 x PCI Express x16

  • Chipset: AMD AM4 Socket
  • CPU Socket: AMD Ryzen 5
  • Memory: DDR4 3200 (OC) / 2933 (OC) / 2667/2400/2133/1866 MHz
  • 6 PCI Express slots mining motherboard
  • 5 x PCI-Express x1
  • 1 x PCI Express x16

  • Chipset: Intel H81, Intel Z97 Express
  • CPU Socket: 1150, Supports 5th / 4th Generation Intel® Core ™ i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium® / Celeron® Processors
  • Memory: 4x DDR3-3200 + (OC) / 2933 + (OC) / 2800 (OC) / 2400 (OC) / 2133 (OC) / 1866 (OC) / 1600/1333/1066 DIMM Slots, Dual Channel
  • 3 x PCI-Express 2.0 x1
  • 3 x PCI Express 3.0 x16
  • 1 SATA Express, 8 SATA3, 1 M.2 (PCIe Gen2 x2 & SATA, Supports 30mm, 42mm, 60mm, 80mm, 110mm M.2 devices)
  • PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb / s

  • Chipset: Intel B85 single chip architecture
  • CPU Socket: 1150, Intel 4th Generation Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron processors
  • Memory: 2-DIMM DDR3 1600/1333/1066
  • 5 x PCI-Express 2.0 x1
  • 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x16
  • 100% XDC solid capacitor
  • PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb / s

  • Chipset: AMD SB950
  • CPU Socket: AM3 + / AM3 / AMD Athlon II Chipsets: AMD 990FX / AMD SB950
  • Memory: 4 x 1.5V DDR3 DIMM sockets supporting up to 32 GB of system memory.Support for DDR3 2000 (OC) / 1866/1600/1333/1066 MHz memory modules
  • 2 x PCI Express x16 slot running at x16
  • 1x PCI Express x4 slots
  • 2 x PCI Express x1 slot
  • 1x PCI slots

Biostar has released a new version of its motherboard, the TB250-BTC + (you should not confuse it with the TB250-BTC without the +). The BTC + supports up to 8 GPUs, which is a good number if we consider that Windows does not work with more than 8 GPUs at a time. This is without doubt one of the best motherboards for mining that you can acquire.

ChipsetIntel B250
CPU SUPPORT7th & 6th Gene Intel Core i7 , i5 , i3 , Pentium and Celeron LGA 1151 Processors
Maximum CPU TDP (Thermal Design Power): 95Watt
MEMORYDual Channel DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz
2 x DDR4 DIMM Memory Slot. Up to 32GB Memory
DDR4 2400 for 7th Generation Intel® Core ™ Processor Family
EXPANSION SLOT1 x PCI-E x16 3.0 Slot
7 x PCI-E x1 3.0 Slot
STORAGE6 x SATA3 Connector
USB4 x USB 3.0 Port
4 x USB 2.0 Port
INTERNAL I / O6 x SATA3 6Gb / s Connector
1 x SATA Power Connector (for rear USB power enhancement)
2 x PCI-E 12V 4Pin Connectors (Must be installed when using Bitcoin mining.)
H / W MONITORINGCPU / System Temperature Monitoring
CPU / System Fan Monitoring
Smart / Manual CPU Fan Control
System Voltage Monitoring
DIMENSIONATX Form Factor Dimension: 29.5cm x 21cm (W x L)

  • Chipset: Intel Z170 Express
  • CPU Socket: LGA 1151, supports 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron Processors
  • Memory: 4x DDR4-3600 (OC) / 3200 (OC) / 3000 (OC) / 2800 (OC) / 2600 (OC) / 2400/2133 MHz DIMM Slots, Dual Channel, ECC, Un-buffered, Max Capacity of 64GB
  • 4x PCI-Express 3.0 x1 Slots
  • 3x PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slots (runs at x16 / x0 / x4 or x8 / x8 / x4 modes)
  • 6x SATA3 Ports
  • M.2: 1x M.2 Ports, Support SATA3 & 4.2 / 6 / 8cm Length M.2 SSD Cards

7 GPU – ASUS PRIME Z270-A Motherboard LGA 1151

  • Chipset: Intel Z170 Express
  • CPU Socket: LGA 1151, supports 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron Processors
  • Memory: 4x DDR4-3600 (OC) / 3200 (OC) / 3000 (OC) / 2800 (OC) / 2600 (OC) / 2400/2133 MHz DIMM Slots, Dual Channel, ECC, Un-buffered, Max Capacity of 64GB
  • 4x PCI-Express 3.0 x1 Slots
  • 3x PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slots (runs at x16 / x0 / x4 or x8 / x8 / x4 modes)
  • 6x SATA3 Ports
  • M.2: 1 x 22110 (PCIe 3.0 x4 & SATA) 1 x 2280 (PCIe 3.0 x4)

  • Chipset: Intel Z170 Express
  • CPU Socket: LGA 1151, supports 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron Processors
  • Memory: 4x DDR4-3600 (OC) / 3200 (OC) / 3000 (OC) / 2800 (OC) / 2600 (OC) / 2400/2133 MHz DIMM Slots, Dual Channel, ECC, Un-buffered, Max Capacity of 64GB
  • 1x PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slot, 1x PCI-Express 3.0 x8 Slot, 1x PCI-Express 3.0 x4 Slot, 4x PCI-Express 3.0 x1 Slots
  • 3 x SATA Express connector, 6 x SATA 6Gb / s connectors
  • M.2: 1 x 22110 (PCIe 3.0 x4 & SATA) 1 x 2280 (PCIe 3.0 x4)

  • Chipset: Intel Z170 Express
  • CPU Socket: LGA 1151, supports 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron Processors
  • Memory: x DDR4 DIMM Slots and Dual Channel
  • 1x PCI – Express 3.0 x16 Slots, 1x PCI – Express 3.0 x8, 1x PCI – Express 3.0 x4 and 4x PCI – Express 3.0 x1
  • 3 x SATA Express, 8 x SATA 3
  • 2 x M.2

  • Chipset: Intel Z170 Express
  • CPU Socket: LGA 1151, supports 6th Generation Intel Core i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium / Celeron Processors
  • Memory: x DDR4 DIMM Slots and Dual Channel
  • 3x PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slots (runs at x16, x8 / x8, x8 / x8 / x4, or x8 / x8 / x1 modes), 4x PCI-Express 3.0 x1 Slots
  • 6x SATA3 Ports (4-ports reserved for SATA Express Port), Support RAID 0, 1, 5, 10; 2x SATA Express Ports (PCI-Express 3.0 x2)
  • 2 x M.2

Dual-Core processor at 2.8 GHz

2 MB cache memory and supported RAM memory DDR3-1333, DDR3L-1333 at 1.5V

Maximum memory bandwidth of 21.3 GB / s

Intel HD Graphics from 1.7 GB to 350 MHz, resolution 1980 x 1080 pixels

NOTE: The Celeron G1840 is only compatible with the following motherboards (motherboards): H81 PRO BTC , Z97 Extreme4 , Biostar TB85 , 1150 Socket

Processor Intel Pentium G4400, Dual-Core 3.3 GHz

Processor socket: LGA1151

Maximum internal memory that supports the processor: 64 GB

Types of memory supported: DDR3L and DDR4, with speeds 1333, 1600, 1866 and 2133 MHz

NOTE: The Pentium G4400 is compatible only with the following motherboard: MSI Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon and the 1151 Socket

Processor AMD FX-4350 with speed of 4.2 GHz and Socket AM3 +

Power of 125 watts

Designed for graphics-intensive applications

4-core processor and 4 MB cache

NOTE: AMD FX 4350 is compatible only with the following motherboard: Gigabyte AM3 + AMD 990FX , AMD AM3 + Socket

Original article and pictures take digitalbodha.com site

понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

The Best GPU for Mining Ethereum

The Best GPU for Mining Ethereum

If you’re thinking about getting into Ethereum mining, you’ve come to the right place. Finding the best GPU for mining Ethereum can be tough since having high gaming benchmarks and a high price tag doesn’t necessarily mean the graphics card is the best when it comes to mining.

When selecting a GPU for mining Ethereum, you have to weigh the following:

  • Price
  • Hash Rate
  • Power Consumption

You are looking for something that has the best balance between the three.

Best GPU for Mining Ethereum – Radeon RX Vega 64

The AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 is the latest GPU from AMD that simply dominates mining. Stock, it can mine Ethereum at 33 MH/s using around 200 watts but with a little tweaking, the hash rate can be as high as 41 MH/s using as little as 135 watts! This card is simply a monster. They are flying off the shelves so make sure you grab yours when you can. You can buy them here.

These are stock hash rates and stock power consumption. There are many tweaks that can be done such as overclocking, lower the voltage, using different firmware and beta drivers. Every card is different so you’ll have to find the sweet spot.

And if you are looking to mine other Cryptocurrencies, you can use the same exact hardware. You simply have to run a different mining script.

If you need guidance on the other pieces needed to build a mining rig, check out Build an Ethereum Mining Rig. Now get out there and have some fun!

Original article and pictures take cryptosrus.com site

пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

The best cryptocurrency to invest in 2018. New prediction

The best cryptocurrency to invest in 2018. New prediction
2018 cryptocurrencies

Which Cryptocurrency Should You Invest In 2018?

At the outset, we inform that the information contained in this article, does not guarantee income – those informatios are predictions only. Without a doubt, in 2018 we will have a lot of interest in cryptocurrencies!

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
    Bitcoin now is trading at $14 882.30. In fact, this year Bitcoin has risen in value 1,000% year-to-date. A successful year made this cryptocurrency an attractive asset for the financial institutions and governmental organizations all over the world. What is important that Bitcoin miners are the key to Bitcoin security and miners are responsible for the creation of fresh Bitcoins. So keeping Bitcoins safe is the most important thing to do after buying BTC. FundStrat Global Advisor co-founder – Tom Lee said has a $11,500 call on bitcoin by the middle of next year. In the long-term, Lee believes BTC will trade for $20,000 to $55,000 by 2022.
  2. Ethereum (ETH)
    The number of transactions on the Ethereum network is already significantly higher than those using the BTC blockchain. Of course the number of transactions has a different relevance for Ether compared to Bitcoin because BTC is more of a store of value and Ether more of a utility coin. Specialists predict lower volatility in ETH compared to BTC but with a rising price measured in fiat terms. Smart contract technology makes corporations very interested in its real world applications. For example, a new coalition by the name of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has sprung up with the explicit objective of facilitating and fostering the growth of the Ether.
  3. Litecoin (LTC)
    It was created to manage some of the flaws in the original Bitcoin protocol and Litecoin is one of the very first altcoins in existence after Bitcoin. Now Litecoin trades at $151.82! The cryptocurrency was introduced back in 2011, while it is almost identical to Bitcoin in terms of features. The creator of Litecoin, ex-Google employee, Charlie Lee is entirely transparent about what is he doing with the currency on social media, which is a great thing. The LTC project has a solid idea and the currency is well designed to be perfect for a future mass adoption of cryptocurrency. So, we can definitely expect Litecoin to be one of the leaders in the market.
  4. Zcash (ZEC)
    The Zcash is a further iteration of the zerocoin project. It is fundamentally the same as Bitcoin but it provides an extra layer of security and anonymity. Zcash allows users to disclose information regarding transactions and account balance selectively. A lot of people confirm that Zcash is a prominent project and it is ranked among the top 20 cryptocurrencies. Right now Zcash has a price of $325.19 and the development team is planning a series of network upgrades for next year. As we can read od Reddit, other upgrades may be in the offing, including functionality for smart contracts and research into the proof-of-stake algorithm.
    IOTA has one of the biggest potentials to human life change, according to some industry observers. It is worth mentioning that this cryptocurrency is concentrated on Machine-to-Machine transactions. IOTA doesn’t operate on a blockchain and it uses a “revolutionary” new ledger that is supposedly an upgrade to blockchain architecture. Its key purpose is to enable M2M payments via serving the machine economy. This cryptocurrency is quite different from other digital currencies since it does not even based on the blockchain system. Each of the IOTA’s transactions is confirmed by only two other nodes. Some of the companies that have partnered with IOTA are Microsoft, Fujitsu, PwC, Bosch, and Accenture.


Predictions may be worthless?

On social media and on a vast number of websites with experts, many are giving advice in investing in certain coins at certain moments. Specialists say that 48 percent of the examined people were wrong and 52% of the people right. So No one can tell you exactly where to invest or what will happen to any of these cryptocurrencies. But this is a good moment to look at the ones that show the most promise.

A major problem is comparing crypto to traditional money or assets on the stock market. Most specialists are guided by the knowledge they have gained on the stock exchange. The cryptocurrency market has different rules and you can’t use the knowledge gained on the stock exchange. Predictions about the Bitcoin bubble have been repeated for 5 years and somehow we do not see this bubble burst.

experts prediction
Reading predictions is good when you read them a lot.

So how to buy best cryptocurrencies?

It does not exist, something like “the best cryptocurrency”. There is only a good price at the moment. When investing in cryptocurrencies, you need to read a lot and check the price history. Anyone thinking of investing in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency should be very careful. And investors are frequently targeted by hackers and other criminals who seek to steal their crypto-cash online. If you plan to keep some crypto, move the bitcoin into the vault, and make sure not to use two-factor authentication via SMS but instead on Google Authenticator. If you have a significant amount of money invested, it’s best to use a cold wallet, and particularly a hardware wallet, which is a device specifically designed to hold bitcoin, ether, and other crypto tokens securely. Don’t follow any links in the messages or enter any private details they ask you for. Instead, you should always make sure you’re on the right website or app.

Keep on the lookout for new coins; even more so, keep on the lookout for newly-discovered problems with the coins you own. Try not to spend all your savings on cryptocurrencies, because when in fact, one bubble bursts – you will be left without anything.

Rules are simple:

  • Never put all your eggs in one basket;
  • Do not invest your life savings or money that may change your life drastically;
  • Know when to cash in. It is important to stay focused, unemotional and professional;
  • Take full advantage of available technology in order to gain maximum profit;
  • Understanding the market is a continuous process and requires a lot of time;
  • Traders should keep in mind that losing, just as much as winning, is an integral part of trading.

bitcoin family

Original article and pictures take www.bitcoinethereum.eu site