четверг, 24 августа 2017 г.

Ethereum overcame $ 1000

Ethereum overcame $ 1000

The second most popular cryptocurrency, Ethereum, this week exceeded the $ 1000 mark for the first time. This is evidenced by the data of the site Coindesk, which tracks the courses of cryptocurrencies.

Right now the cost of Ethereum (Coindesk) is $ 1013. It is noteworthy that the previous maximum of $ 900 Ethereum was overcome only two days earlier. And this despite the fact that a month ago, for one virtual coin, Ethereum was given more than half less – about $ 400. To bitcoin is still, of course, far, but the growth rates of this cryptocurrency are certainly impressive.

Ethereum overcame $ 1000

That is, against the background of stabilized at the level of $ 15 thousand bitcoin, the market continues to grow at the expense of other cryptocurrencies. To date, the global capitalization of all cryptocurrencies is $ 759 billion. The ether in this indicator ranks third ($ 100 billion), behind Bitcoin ($ 257 billion) and Ripple ($ 120 billion). By the way, Ripple is another rapidly growing cryptocurrency, since the beginning of the year its value has grown approximately 300 times.

Original article and pictures take cybersnews.net site

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